הוא שרת אחד משרתי מסטודון עצמאיים רבים שדרגם תוכלו להשתתף בפדיוורס (רשת חברתית מבוזרת)., a Mastodon instance (He | En mostly) רשת מסטודון עברית | חופשית משיקולים תאגידיים | פדרטיבית עם הFediverse

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"Food has for some time been a gateway to misinformation online, especially when bound up with ‘wellness’ culture. Type the word ‘natural’ in a search bar on any social media platform and it’s easy to fall down a raw milk/ginger-cures-cancer/antivaccine/'NATO is to blame for Russia invading Ukraine' conspiracy theory rabbit hole."

~ Signe Johansen

#food #cooking #wellness #foodie #misinformation #ConspiracyTheories #algorithm #SocialMedia #BigTech

Byline Supplement · Against the Algorithm: How Big Tech and AI Slop Are Spoiling Cooking in the Social Media Ageמאת Byline Supplement

#wellness 🤷‍♂️
“In recent years, a growing focus on #health and well-being has led to the rise of functional #coffee. From #protein-enriched ready-to-drink beverages to #organic blends to #CBD-infused products, the market is becoming steadily more diverse year after year”
“The #health benefits of #coffee – particularly black filter #coffee – are well-documented”
#Coffee has long been positioned as a #superfood

Perfect Daily Grind · The functional coffee market is booming, but roasters still need to prioritise qualityAs the functional coffee market diversifies, it drives innovation, but roasters need to make sure that novelty doesn’t preside over quality.

Apple Cider Vinegar | Science-Based Medicine by Steven Novella

I just watched the new Netflix series, Apple Cider Vinegar, which tells the story of Belle Gibson, an Australian woman who launched a wellness business based largely on the false claim that she had survived “terminal brain cancer”. It is worth a watch, and overall I feel the writers (this is a fictionalized version, not a documentary) captured the industry of fake cancer cures and their victims very well. I have some quibbles, which I will get to, but in the end the telling serves the viewer well.

The series focuses mainly on three young women, including Gibson and two fictional characters facing serious cancer diagnoses. Together they represent different aspects of the wellness industry, and specifically the industry of dubious cancer treatments. David Gorski actually captured this spectrum quite well in his article, True believers, entrepreneurs, and scammers in alternative medicine. All are represented in this show.

Science-Based Medicine · Apple Cider VinegarI just watched the new Netflix series, Apple Cider Vinegar, which tells the story of Belle Gibson, an Australian woman who launched a wellness business based largely on the false claim that she had s

The cleaner who has not seen me in half a year asked me if I've lost weight cos she wondered if I got sick or something lol.
A few people have commented that I've lost weight. To be honest, all I did was to ensure that my glucose levels stayed steady. So I did these two things:
a) Ate lots more fibre, especially before carbs
b) Exercised after a meal. If I took a carby treat - say, a scone or a cake - I exercised for at least an hour
c) I took up strength training.
This is the accumulation of many months of habit enforcement so that it doesn't feel like an ordeal. Now I can't live without my 2x a week gym visits and daily morning walks. And all the food I ate before - the chips, the fried chicken - just gives me massive headaches.
Now I crave, of all things ... vegetables.
Bodies are funny.

It’s high time we start being honest about what’s behind a lot of the push towards “wellness”.

It’s ableism and eugenics. Its scared people who can’t face the fact that they could lose their health at any moment.

It’s people who desperately need to cling to control.

First of all I’m not at all opposed to a healthy lifestyle.

I was an avid hiker and yogi who followed a whole foods diet, did regular meditation and followed a lot of wellness influencers.

I still became chronically ill.

When the “wellness” activities didn’t cure me, that community abandoned me.

They looked at me as a failure. They believed I wasn’t “wellness-ing hard enough”.

If it were them, they would be getting better.

The root cause of this is ableism. Disability terrifies people.

The idea that there are conditions which won’t necessarily kill you but will rob you of your quality of life? Its scary.

Knowing there’s no treatments or cure? Terrifying.

But it’s not fair to blame the ones who are suffering. To scrutinize their past behaviour for signs that they brought it on themselves.

To hammer them with unsolicited advice and “tips” for things they could do if they really wanted to get better.

No one asks to be chronically ill. It just happens.

And everyone is one virus, infection, accident or stroke of bad luck away from it happening to them.

The odds that they will be the “exception” are incredibly low.

Let’s not forget that “wellness” costs money. A healthy lifestyle doesn’t come cheap

Disability is expensive. Nothing can prepare you for how devastating it is to spend every cent trying to stay ahead of your dwindling health, only to be told you’re not doing enough

Most of us can’t afford the lifestyle that wellness folks peddle. It’s big business. They’re not helping for altruistic reasons, they’re lining their pockets.

They don’t even care if their recommendations are harmful (and they definitely don’t care if they aren’t helpful)

Please, don’t blame someone for their disabilities. Don’t comb through their past looking for points of “weakness” that can absolve you of facing your own fear of chronic illness

No one is perfect. We’ve all done things that aren’t “healthy”. No one deserves chronic illness

If someone in your life is blaming you, know that you can set firm boundaries to protect yourself.

You don’t have to put up with that kind of gaslighting behaviour

I know it hurts, I’ve been there many many times. But you have the right to walk away

Remind yourself it’s not about you. It’s their fear of the unknown. Their fear of disability. Their own internalized ableism.

One day when they lose their health they will be forced to confront their false beliefs, and there will be a reckoning.
Until that day comes the best we can do is protect ourselves from the toxicity of people who can’t face the reality of our conditions.

We can fight for one another. We can support one another. We can be loud, visible and unashamed.

I have watched the first couple of episodes and I think they are doing a decent job explaining the "wellness" grifter ecosystem so far.

And how a grifter like Gibson uses the force of personality to lure people. Reminds me very much of what my friends who have had real-life encounters with RFKJr describe.

#Wellness #organic #fraud #grift

Rolling Stone · The Real Life Story Behind Netflix’s ‘Apple Cider Vinegar’מאת CT Jones

In "Teignmouth, two women set up Clean & Pure in 2021. Until recently, they sold soaps with names like Joyful, Relaxation and Sunrise/Sunset. The brand's founders were both members of Patriotic Alternative (PA), one of the UK's most influential white nationalist political groups, when they launched their business. The company also appeared in PA shopping guides, advertised on PA livestreams and set up retail tables at PA events."

#Wellness #Purity #FarRight #Facism

Al Jazeera · How white nationalists infiltrated the wellness movementמאת Mark Hay

(1/2) Ep 45: Our Media Firewalls #WisdomWithWes

Reflections on how all of us need “media firewalls” to protect our minds from polarizing and potentially upsetting information, media messages and gossip all around us.

#WisdomWithWes #wellness #health #DigitalDiet #polarization #ConCW #HealOurCulture

More episodes of my “Wisdom With Wes” videos series are available in this YouTube

Christine and I are super excited to roll this program out. Resilience and self care are inextricably linked to each other. Both are an essential component of growth!

This free, on-demand workshop walks you through the ALIGNED Method so that you can begin living a life of purpose today. Now. Right now. Just as soon as you click the link!


FutureU: Self-Care SummitHow to Stop Hustling and Start Living Workshop – Join NowCreate a serene and engaging yoga website with Avada. Showcase classes, instructors, and schedules to inspire and attract clients with custom designs.

In a world full of noise and chaos, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. This FREE checklist is your reminder that taking a moment for yourself is a powerful first step toward building a balanced and resilient life:

#mentalHealth #life #selfCare #health #wellness

EDIT: Life coaching is how I pay my rent. If you have a better way of ensuring that my business partner & I can continue to provide a service w/o collecting your info, pls let me know.