הוא שרת אחד משרתי מסטודון עצמאיים רבים שדרגם תוכלו להשתתף בפדיוורס (רשת חברתית מבוזרת)., a Mastodon instance (He | En mostly) רשת מסטודון עברית | חופשית משיקולים תאגידיים | פדרטיבית עם הFediverse

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משתמשים פעילים


94 הודעות84 משתתפיםותהודעותיים היום

I get a kick out of this "budget meal hack" trending hashtag on #scoopz at the moment.

It's always WAY over complicated, and made with processed food, and not actually budget because it costs like 3+ dollars a meal.

If you actually learn how to #cook #baking use staples/seasoning, and plan ahead, THAT is the real budget meal hack.

Don't say you need money. I do this on #disability

The economy is crashing. You should learn now, it'll save ya later. Just Learn How To Actually Cook & Bake, Use Seasoning Properly, and Plan Your Meals Out. Men Too.#BudgetBites Just Learn How To Actually Cook & Bake, Use Seasoning Properly, and Plan Your Meals Out. Men Too.

Kev is one of 6 main characters in the wheelchair basketball comic I'm working on. He's is a retired wheelchair rugby player - hence why his chair looks so different to the other characters I've drawn so far - and when his wife (who's art is coming soon) started a wheelchair basketball team, but was struggling to get the numbers to actually play, he signed up too.
Personality wise, Kev is the team's jokey uncle and is meant to be a direct foil to the more serious characters on the team, like Ruby. He's already done the whole "serious athlete thing" and while he enjoys the game, at the end of the day, just there to have fun and support his wife, and remind the younger members to not get too wrapped up in it all.
He's a quad amputee (through the palms on his hands, above the knee on his legs) and is missing a good chunk of his tail too, making him a low-pointer on the court. Low point players are those who's disabilities impact their ability to play more severally, and they usually play in more defensive and supportive rolls than high-point players.
#Furry #SFWFurry #FurryArt #crocodile #disabled #disability #amputee #wheelchairSports

hello! i ran out of money mid-month again due to low disability income and im asking for rent/bills donations to avoid having to do in-person sex work again

please donate/boost as you're able 💕


i've been keeping my eye out for jobs i could work and in the meantime am supporting my partners with childcare and housecleaning

anything that comes in beyond bills will go toward treating facial hair dysphoria with lasers. ive also applied to a local support org for gender care money that might help with hair removal

@mutualaid #MutualAidRequest #MutualAid #Disabled #transCrowdfund #disability #DisabilityMutualAid #DisabilityCrowdfund #crowdfund #lgbt

“If we were to see immune damage manifesting at a population level, it would look like what we’re seeing today: big waves of common illnesses. Unusual spikes of uncommon illnesses. Course reversal for previously declining and eliminated illnesses. An unexplained, global wave of sickness.”

The Gauntlet · Kids keep getting sicker as evidence for COVID immune damage buildsמאת Julia Doubleday

There's something I've struggled with for most of my career, but never could properly put into words – until now.

Thanks to @LauraKBuzz and her wonderful metaphor, it'll likely be much easier in the future to help colleagues and employers understand this issue.

"In regards to multitasking, many autistic individuals struggle with processing multiple tasks at once, or being expected to unexpectedly and rapidly drop one task and move to another. The way I try to explain this is that, for me, it feels like when I get deep into a particular task or activity wires start connecting between my brain and the task. Switching tasks or doing something else at the same time means taking a moment to safely disconnect those cables so they can pause data transfer, or free up bandwidth to try and process something in parallel. It’s not as easy as yanking a handful of cords out, they need unplugging carefully which can take a moment."

I wrote a guest article for Healthy Debate that looks at why we need mandatory masks in healthcare, why surgical masks aren’t enough, and how the mounting threats to public health are putting lives at risk.

If you’re a healthcare worker, mask up.

Show us you take your oath to “do no harm” seriously

Healthy Debate · ‘We might die because you won’t wear a mask’: A plea to health-care workers - Healthy DebateLet’s start protecting people in health-care settings as that’s where people should have the best understanding of a viral threat.

As Mikey Erhardt points put:

'Disabled people are not a scapegoat for a failing economy; we are a community that deserves improved opportunities & employment for those who wish to work.... the benefits system isn't just some pipeline into the world of work – it's a vital piece of social infrastructure that protects us from the sharpest edge of our unequal society'!

Like previous PMs, Keir Starmer cannot see this, and so is happy to cut benefits (again).


The family group/tribe is built on mutual support, but the modern conservative version is transactional, based on membership and loyalty. Actions that look like kindness are in reality actions to reinforce tribal loyalty. I think this is why so many people in conservative communties, who are trapped in entirely conservative information spaces, have a hard time breaking free. They see examples of community support as affirmations of their community goodness, and this narrative is drummed into them constantly. Conservative leaders have the advantage of labeling any disruptive people or ideas as 'foreign' and a threat, even if from within the community, so that they never even have to engage with new ideas on merit.

Kindness isnt a relevant trait to their tribal functioning, because the ability to be unkind and cruel to people who arent toeing the tribal line is necessary to upholding 'family law'. Kindness in others undermines their attempts to police peoples behavior (this is why its so important that men are in charge). Therefore, not only is kindness devalued, it is actively persecuted as a threat to conservative values. And that is only treatment of your in-group. If you reject kindness internally, imagine how easy it is to subject an out-group to cruel inhumanity. You can literally justify anything. What is horrifying is the degree to which everyday members of conservative communities have become willfully blind to the terrible treatment of others in order to hang on to an image of community goodness. I have witnessed far too much of this in my life.

Its worth stating that the left has its own, different kind of tribalism. They embrace kindness but there is a lot of pressure to prove the right kind of worth. It has a distinctly multicultural, anti-authoritarian tribalism, where the rules of the tribe are under constant negotiation. This makes communicating a platform challenging. Its a lot simpler for conservative platforms whose rules come from demagogues and an old book.

The flaw of designing a system without compassion is that the cruelty eventually becomes impossible to hide from the tribe, and the cruelty comes for everyone. #uspol #politics #disability #sociology #anthropology #kindness #geopol