הוא שרת אחד משרתי מסטודון עצמאיים רבים שדרגם תוכלו להשתתף בפדיוורס (רשת חברתית מבוזרת)., a Mastodon instance (He | En mostly) רשת מסטודון עברית | חופשית משיקולים תאגידיים | פדרטיבית עם הFediverse

סטטיסטיקות שרת:

משתמשים פעילים


18 הודעות17 משתתפיםות0 הודעות היום

> The violence of the system is much more destructive, much more harmful, although it is well hidden. We call it institutional violence. By calling ourselves nonviolent we are against all violence, but we are first against institutional violence. --Thich Nhat Hanh

#Dharma #Interbeing #Mindfulness #Meditation #PlumVillage #BuddhaGang #EngagedBuddhism #RecoveryDharma #SanghaInTheStreets @dharma @engagedbuddhism @bodhisattvaway @buddhagang @recoverydharma @plumvillage

I mostly do a thought-quieting #meditation that then allows, on the other side of the quiet, a greater appreciation for, among other things, the remarkable event that having a thought is. But sometimes things don't get quiet, and thoughts are just there. So then I ask:

*What does it taste like to have a thought?*

That's metaphoric, but it helps me. It allows a shift in my relationship to phenomenal experiencing. More of an intimacy with what the moment is, what it's doing, what it tastes like.

Do you want to change your relationship to physical and emotional pain? Do you want to be more comfortable in the roles you take on at home, at work, and in your community? Do you want to gain insight in to the things that matter to you the most?

Starting on April 2nd, I'm going to be leading an eight week course entitled #Zen #Meditation and #Mindfulness for Health and Wellbeing. Each week we will meet online and discuss four different meditation practices as well as methods to integrate these habits in to your life.

Go to for information and to register your interest.
thechanceencounter.comZen Meditation and Mindfulness for Health and Wellbeing - The Chance Encounter

Noticed today three states of my mind:

1. “Normal”. Thinking about a subject. It feels narrow.

2. “Daydreaming”. Thinking drifting on random subjects. It feels meandering through a wide space, but the thinking itself is still narrow.

3. “Mindfulness”. Not thinking, but experiencing. It feels wide and open. Certainly not “mind full”. If it is full of anything, it is the direct experience of body and feeling.

"be true to your school"

In that phrase "true" is about a condition of our heart. It's not about something being objectively accurate or not. It's about our person.

In tonight's #meditation the feeling was — this isn't about having a conceptual understanding of what's going on. This is about being true to what's here.

(And it's my sense that, ultimately, being true like that is about truly being.)

Random, um, thought on #meditation and contemplative practice:

Seems to me a major reason we're not already awakened is that thinking is not the starting point of things. Thoughts come from somewhere. They're generated.

Thinking isn't so much that which determines what's what regarding life and the world, as it is a dependent expression of life and the world.

(A reason for #Zen sayings like, "If you try to approach awakening, you go away from it.")

In contemplative traditions, especially lately it seems, there can be a range of talk regarding "non-dualism."

In tonight's #meditation a somewhat straightforward version was present for me — namely, the sense that my intent to be present with the way things are is itself matter-of-factly a part of the way things are.

In tonight's #meditation I was reminded of how for me there's an increasing and deepening and wonderful sense that growth towards truly appreciating the actual nature of what gets called spiritual involves an ever-fuller, ever-clearer embrace and engagement with what is matter-of-fact.

תגובה לשרשור

@aurynn I only advanced into new technological possibilities as #OpenSource opened the way to do so. I just contented myself with the available choices as they slowly appeared over the years, and overcame any FOMO using #meditation and a ton of patience. Sometimes the path led to stagnation in a chosen app, but very rarely lead to enshittification.