busybee: fluffy rambles: Effexor https://beesbuzz.biz/blog/8822-Effexor #Fibromyalgia #ChronicPain #Vertigo #Anxiety #Blog #ADHD
busybee: fluffy rambles: Effexor https://beesbuzz.biz/blog/8822-Effexor #Fibromyalgia #ChronicPain #Vertigo #Anxiety #Blog #ADHD
One of the few consistently useful tips I have for #depression/ #anxiety etc is to realize some (many) things, if left undone, cause you to spend more time thinking about them than it'd take to fix them.
Learn to identify these things and push yourself to do them NOW
Also, try to leave every room at least 1 item cleaner every time you use it
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society."
--Jiddu Krishnamurthy
Of course I developed anxiety, but it’s not because there was anything wrong with me. It is a completely reasonable reaction to avoid things that hurt you.
Some Compassion And Support Sure Would Be Nice,
I have so many unseen issues, most don’t realize the true difficulty I endure each day, first I don’t sleep well, for many reasons, from a brain that is constantly in overdrive, to relentless nightmares, to being in constant pain, to not having a decent supportive bed to sleep on, so my days start of painful, tired and overwhelmed before I even get going, Often I go hungry because living in #poverty I simply can not afford #food to eat, I typically only get around 600-800 calories a day when a man my size and age should be getting around 3000 calories a day, as a result despite my appearance I suffer from malnutrition, I have a great deal of difficulty cleaning my tiny cave, from not being able to afford the basics to have cleaning supplies to being physically limited in my ability to do so, I cant hardly bend over, nor can I very easily get up and down off the floor, taking a shower can simply become a serious challenge, and often leaves my exhausted not to mention I cant often afford the basics for personal hygiene, simply washing a dish or standing at the stove at times can be brutal on my back, then there are chores I need to tend to as part of my rent, and those absolutely can be a painful and exhaustive event for me, and those around often don’t even realize and expect more as a result, and if I say I have had enough today, I am questioned, because they assume I did what I did with ease, but they have no idea of the pain and struggle I had to endure to deal with to accomplish the tasks at hand, reading has become trouble some, as world become very blurry and melt together, writing is becoming increasingly difficult, as finding the words is getting harder and harder, being creative used to help but I have been in so much pain, and under so much stress that I often cant even muster up the energy to attempt to be creative, not to mention my camera is failing, my laptop is struggling, and again no money to obtain what I actually need, I have no #healthcare because the laws people pass have really messed that up, and after years fighting to get it resolved I have given up, so I fight through each day to just to suffer the next, I reach out constantly for financial support yet receive nearly nothing compared to what I actually need, this #disable man exists in #poverty, constant pain and my #anxiety exacerbates my #ptsd, my #bipolar cycles, and several other issues, my blood pressure has been all over the place and frankly in a rather obscenely high range for to long, my core body temp has been far lower than the average, while I often feel as though I am on fire, things get darker with my sight each day, and yet to bright, I hear and see so much that is not actually there, so very much wrong and no support nor help to be found, it would really truly help if people could and would help me #fundriase the money I need each day to live, and the money I need to set up a life where I can take care of myself and lessen the effects of poverty and disability on an aging body and mind.
$5-10-15 It All Helps, via #cashapp at $woctxphotog or via #paypal at paypal.com/donate?campaign_id=…
#bipolar,#woctxphotog,#anxiety,#cashapp,#DisabilityAwareness,#DisabilitySupport,#disabled,#food,#FromHungerToHope,#fundraise,#groceries,#health,#HopeRestored,#MentalHealthMatters,#MutualAid,#MutualAidHelp ,#Paypal,#poverty,#PovertyRelief,#pasjrwoctx
After another sleepless night this #disabled man living in #poverty is in a lot of pain, my #anxiety is a bit out of control, I have a #migraine first thing in the morning, my feet are really bothering me, my back is horrible, I have have a lot to deal with the past few weeks, adding to my burdens, I still have a deficit of $1350 from February and I still need a minimum of $1500 for March, on top of countless other urgent needs I need to tend to, It would be really helpful if I could get some desperately needed #MutualAid and raise as much as I possibly can as fast as I can, my #health is not getting any better and time keeps moving forward compounding the interest on my issues, from #food to eat, to rent to personal hygiene to basic cleaning maintenance of my tiny cave, to trying to heal thy self, I am overwhelmed and need a lot of financial help ASAP, $5-10-15 It All Helps, via #cashapp at $woctxphotog or via #paypal at paypal.com/donate?campaign_id=… Thank You.
I took part in this study and it helped me so much that I've continued to use the methods daily so that I can keep my brain acting (mostly) right.
It's definitely not a cure all for everything mental but it 100% helped my brain that's prone to depression and anxiety.
I would be happy to send anyone more information who would like to check it out.
Nobody talks about the part of #anxiety where you sit staring at your anxiety meds on the table across the room and but are too anxious to get up and get them.
Brains are bullshit.
As someone who's been studying brain sciences for a number of years (wow, has it really been 5 years now??), I get disheartened when I realise I'm anxious about something. Surely, I think, I should be immune to something I have a reasonable understanding of
But then I'm fascinated by both the anxiety and the feeling of being disheartened. Of course I'm not immune, though understanding a little about what's going on does dramatically help reduce both the occurrences and the intensity and duration of an occurrence
In fact, if there's one thing I can highly recommend from all of this, it's to practise simply noticing (-->non-judgmentally<--) when you get irritated, frustrated, uneasy, awkward, upset, guilty, etc.
It's harder than it sounds because strong feelings have a tendency to drown out all other thinking, but if you start by doing this after the feelings have died down, over time you get better at seeing them actually happen, and this can help you identify and challenge responses that really aren't doing you any good
Note: the "non-judgmental" part is really really important here. This applies to both judgment of you and other people, including the person who dangerously cut in line in front of you
Providing children (and ourselves) with tools to manage anxiety is important. Our executive director Jen Fischer shares the books and tools that work for her family at Multicultural Kid Blogs. https://multiculturalkidblogs.com/2024/11/04/managing-anxiety-tools-and-books-that-work-for-my-family/
#Anxiety #Bookstodon #MentalHealth #MentalWellness #MentalHealthMatters #SelfCare #Education #Homeschoolig #Parenting #Families @education @mentalhealth @bookstodon
I'm from #Ayrshire, #Scotland.
I'm a #ModelBuilder, mainly ships from #StarTrek
Married to @martin #LGBTQIA #LGBWithTheT
#Cat named Maya.
#Anxiety #Trekkie #IDIC
#TV: #StarTrek #DoctorWho #Stargate #BSG #Supernatural
#Politics: #Green #SNP #ScottishIndependence.
RFK Jr. Is Already Taking Aim at Antidepressants
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr has been planted by Trump in the role of Secretary of the US Department of Health and Human Services.
He wants to slash scientifically-established medication, hospital treatment, financial benefits, and government programs for people with these conditions:
- Chronic illness.
- Autism.
- ADHD, and medication including Adderall and Ritalin.
- Asthma.
- Obesity.
- Multiple sclerosis.
- Psoriasis.
- Mental illness such as depression and anxiety, and SSRI medication including Prozac and Zoloft.
RFK Jr says wants people who live with chronic illness such as those listed above — who often require daily preventative medication, a professional carer/assistant, or an assistive device for their daily functioning and to maintain their quality of life and sense of dignity and autonomy — to be stripped of their treatment and put into in "Wellness Farms" for "three or four years if they need it".
This is the sort of inhumane mistreatment of people requiring medical care that happened in the USSR and still goes on today in North Korea. It should not happen in the USA.
This move by RFK Jr is going to destroy childhoods, ruin families, cause people financial ruin, and for some people it will cost them their life.
Apparently, 6 months is the "incessant gleeful screaming" phase. It's cute for the first minute or two and then quickly excruciating, and exacerbating my postpartum #anxiety.
Loops work well for a lot of #neurodivergent parents with loud kiddos, so I added some to our wishlist.
Lots of dairy/gluten/soy-free snacks for me and Assata on the list, too.
Thanks for your support
Health advisory: "This flu strain is known to cause myocarditis. Check your pulse to see if it is unusually elevated."
Me: You mean, like a person with an anxiety disorder checking her pulse to see if she has a serious heart condition?...
HA: Also, do you feel unusually exhausted?
Me: You mean, like a sick mom whose toddler gets up at 5am and has been home sick for a week?
... I'm starting to suspect moms with anxiety are hard to diagnose.
One of the least helpful habits I picked up in childhood was "don't spoil your supper" meaning, don't snack because you're supposed to be hungry for meals.
I already don't realise I'm hungry until I'm starving (thanks, poor interoception!) and turns out low blood sugar makes my body produce adrenaline and cortisol, resulting in anxiety and irritability (ever wonder why "hangry" is a thing? This is why. )
Combined with my autistic tendency to rigidily stick to rules, (DON'T SPOIL YOUR SUPPER!) this means it takes a real effort to regulate my blood sugar.
It's amazing how much difference a well timed smoothie makes to my mental wellbeing.
Stumbled across a meme that succinctly depicts how I’ve been feeling during this strange “funk”.
It me!