הוא שרת אחד משרתי מסטודון עצמאיים רבים שדרגם תוכלו להשתתף בפדיוורס (רשת חברתית מבוזרת)., a Mastodon instance (He | En mostly) רשת מסטודון עברית | חופשית משיקולים תאגידיים | פדרטיבית עם הFediverse

סטטיסטיקות שרת:

משתמשים פעילים


69 הודעות66 משתתפיםות5 הודעות היום

What can you help mend? Excerpt from
"Mending Mittens" by Larry Schug:

"Blessed be those who are forever fixing
the tear between people and the rest of life.
May we all have enough thread,
may our needles be sharp,
may our fingers not throb or go numb."

www.ayearofbeinghere.comLarry Schug: "Mending Mittens"A collection of daily mindfulness poems, composed primarily by contemporary and recent poets of the here & now.

Hitomezashi sashiko cuts the surface into a tiling that can always be colored with exactly two colors so that the two colors never touch. My first round of stitches are large, so I filled in half of the space with tiny cross stitches in navy blue. This highlights the two-coloring of the tiling. (Yes, there’s a mistake in the geometry, but it’s working perfectly as a patch.) The fabric for the patch is a vintage piece of woven silk, from a collection of a seller’s samples, and I used the pattern woven into the silk as the grid for my stitches. This is now a patch on a pair of old bluejeans to give them new life. #mathart #visiblemending #sewing

My work for the next days: Sewing this flowers and butterflies (there ist batting underneath each, glued with textile glue) with ladder stitch all around the edges on the bought pillow case (80 x 80 cm). After this it is quilting time. 🧵
(Not everything is my colour palette/pattern, but it's especially requested by my kid. I sew a relatively simple quilt blanket out of big blocks in rainbow colours last year for my child and will also appliqué butterflies and my beloved rainbow-flowers on this.)

#handsewing #nähen #sewing #handnähen #slowStitching #quilt #quilting #slowCrafting #Handarbeit #NähenVonHand #SewingForKids #Handarbeiten #quilten #nähenFürKinder #EPP #Hexies #Hexagon #EnglishPaperPiecing


I caved last night and joined the Cashmerette Club, given that they have a very good offer on it at the moment. If you sew and you have curves, it is worth joining... if you can put up with PDF patterns, that is. I've never used them before, but I can't print them at home and I suspected they might be a false economy because I'd have to pay to get them printed at a copy shop.

Well, actually, it's not that bad. I picked up six free patterns and one that I paid for (total £18), and had four of them printed (total about £32 including P&P)... so it probably comes to about the same. Except you get better paper!

תגובה לשרשור

Today I learned to sew a button on a pair of jeans, properly.
Sure I can research it online but I find the internet overwhelming for this sort of thing. And here, I can learn from my mother and hear all the tricks and habits she picked up along her sewing life.

Later, I'll learn to repair a broken seam. I have done it but always very messily and never very well.

Helen learned to sew on this Singer Featherweight - an antique machine that is coveted by many collectors for its simplicity, lightweightness, and even stitching. The only stitch that it does is a straight stitch, but it does it really well! Plus, it's friendly for user repairs and lasts for many years (this pic was taken recently - Helen's mom still has it!). Nowadays, Helen now enjoys a much higher-tech Pfaff Expression 710. Caroline has the same machine, but she has some notes... 👀

Listen to this week's episode, number 277: Sewing Machine Chat, to hear why Caroline prefers her Bernina! ⁠

#LoveToSewPodcast #WeLoveToSew #SewingPodcast #HandmadeWardrobe #MeMadeEveryday #MeMade #Sewing #HandmadeFashion #Handmade #Sew #Sewcialists #ISew #MakersGonnaMake #SewingLove #IndieSewing #MakersCommunity

Michelle May (aka The Giddy Stitcher) makes videos about lots of different crafts including cross-stitch, sewing, crochet, knitting and many others. You can follow at:

➡️ @michellemay

There are already 70 videos uploaded. If these haven't federated to your server yet, you can browse them all at

You can also follow her general social media account at @thegiddystitcher

MakerTubeMichelle MayFind me on Mastodon too! /

Anyone have a guide on how to identify well-made clothes? I was taught long ago, but I've forgotten the specifics and would not describe it well.

The reason I ask is that cheap clothes are usually much harder to mend. The allowances are small, there are no extra buttons, the materials barely hold a stitch, it all kind of wears out at once.

Better made stuff has enough *there* there to put it back together.

(Bernadette Banner's vid has been linked a number of times, thanks!)

My partner wants to share a sewing pattern on the internet somewhere. She's not trying to sell it, just have it in a place where people can get it. Is there a thingiverse/printables type place for sewing stuff (that is also free to post things on, and is also not "run your own website")?

things that are not this:
- (neat, but does not appear to be a place intended for people to upload their own things)
-, etsy, other similar sites (these are storefronts, she literally just wants to share a file, the same thing 3d printing people do with thingiverse)
- a git forge (I... guess you *could* do that? is that a thing people do in practice?)

My regular rewatch of The Matrix has just concluded, and I need to tell you that sewing has ruined me! (again)

Now I can't unsee that all suit jackets in the movie have yellow linings (unusual!) and that includes the suit jacket Neo wears during his day in the office.

I don't know if there's any symbolic meaning to this, but it sure looks great.