הוא שרת אחד משרתי מסטודון עצמאיים רבים שדרגם תוכלו להשתתף בפדיוורס (רשת חברתית מבוזרת)., a Mastodon instance (He | En mostly) רשת מסטודון עברית | חופשית משיקולים תאגידיים | פדרטיבית עם הFediverse

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משתמשים פעילים


5 הודעות5 משתתפיםותהודעה אחת היום

Luanti Videos makes videos all about Luanti (formerly known as Minetest). It's basically a free open source alternative to Minecraft but far more flexible and designed for modding. You can follow at:

➡️ @nathansalapat

There are already 100 videos uploaded, if they haven't federated to your server yet you can browse them all at

You can find out more about Luanti at

ShareTUBE [a PeerTube Server]Luanti VideosI make videos about the open source game Luanti (formerly Minetest).

Marco Pavanello / Wolf Studio make really cool CGI videos and animations with Blender. You can follow at:

➡️ @marco

There are already 23 videos uploaded, you can browse them all at You might particularly want to check out the short films "The Spark" ( and "Pebble" (

You can also follow Pavanello's general social media account at @nacioss

MakerTubeMarcoCG artist and music composer

Coreyartus is an artist doing calm friendly video livestreams as he creates his works. He also posts the streams as full-length recordings and as short timelapses.


There are already over 300 videos uploaded, if they haven't federated to your server yet you can browse them all at

You can also follow Coreyartus's general social media account at

MakerTubeCoreyartus ImageryI'm a Eureka, California artist transitioning from a full-time career in academia and theatre-making into one of illustration and art-making. I've been mounting my own projects centered around sta...

Johnny Blanchard / Re-Enthused makes videos about retro computers and consoles, including both famous and obscure systems. You can follow at:

➡️ @johnny_blanchard

There are already 570 videos uploaded. If these haven't federated to your server yet, you can browse them all at

You can also follow Blanchard's general social media account at @jonn_blanchard

MakerTubeJohnny BlanchardMaker, Engineering Manager, Author, Screenwriter and Technology Archaeologist

Michelle May (aka The Giddy Stitcher) makes videos about lots of different crafts including cross-stitch, sewing, crochet, knitting and many others. You can follow at:

➡️ @michellemay

There are already 70 videos uploaded. If these haven't federated to your server yet, you can browse them all at

You can also follow her general social media account at @thegiddystitcher

MakerTubeMichelle MayFind me on Mastodon too! /

Oh The Urbanity! makes videos about cycling, public transport and urban planning. It's based in Canada, but it often looks at examples in other countries too. You can follow at:

➡️ @ohtheurbanity

There are already over 150 videos uploaded. If these haven't federated to your server yet, you can browse them all at

Canadian CivilOh The Urbanity!Oh The Urbanity! traverses cities by foot, bike, and public transit and aims to make informative and (hopefully) entertaining videos combining streetscapes and demographic data. We are based in Mon...

Jan Beta makes videos about repairing and restoring old computers and other equipment, especially the Commodore Amiga and C64:

➡️ @jan_beta

There are already over 40 videos uploaded. If they haven't federated to your server yet, you can browse them all at

You can also follow Jan's general social media account at @janbeta

MakerTubeJan BetaHi I'm Jan. I tinker with electronics and enjoy vintage tech, mostly computers and consoles from the 80s and 90s. I also love to tinker with elderly hifi equipment and musical instruments from time...

Shifter posts excellent videos all about cycling including bikes, cycling tips, city cycling, bike accessories, maintenance, culture, preventing bike theft etc. You can follow at:

➡️ @shifter

They've already posted over 270 videos. If these haven't federated to your server yet, you can browse them all at

Canadian CivilShifterShifter: A channel about urban cycling, bike commuting and the ways we get around our cities with author, journalist and creator Tom Babin. Interested in working with me? Get more info here: https:...

Thomas Preece makes videos about folk music and classical pieces, especially for the ukulele and ocarina. He has just moved to a new server, his new account is here:

➡️ @tepreece

There are already 49 videos uploaded, you can browse them all at

You can also follow Preece's general social media account at @thomas

MakerTubeThomas PreeceThomas Preece arranges classical and folk music for ukulele and ocarina.

Thunderbird is a free open source communications suite (supports email, RSS, XMPP, IRC, Matrix, Usenet). They have an official video account at:


They've already posted 29 videos, if these haven't federated to your server yet you can browse them all at

They also have a general social media account at

TILvidsThunderbirdThe Thunderbird Project is a family of free & open-source email software and productivity solutions for managing your personal and professional communications. Available on Linux, macOS and Win...

Gardiner Bryant makes videos about gaming on Linux, especially the Steam Deck, and related topics. You can follow at:

➡️ @gbryant

There are already 128 videos uploaded, if these haven't federated to your server yet you can browse them all at

You can also follow Bryant's general social media account at @gardiner_bryant

Subscribeto.meGardiner BryantWelcome to Find access to Gardiner Bryant videos as well as many exclusives! You don't need to create an account in order to like, subscribe

Kate Hildenbrand makes wonderful videos about gardening, the environment, animals, nature, cooking and other topics. You can follow at:

➡️ @kate

There are already 174 videos uploaded. If they haven't federated to your server yet, you can browse them all at

You can also follow Hildenbrand's general social media account at @rootsandcalluses

Kate HildenbrandKate HildenbrandI produce videos, write articles and novels, and generally talk a lot. I share my journey to a life in balance with nature in videos and words. I also write fiction to cope with the social and clim...

ObsidianUrbex posts short video clips of abandoned buildings and urban exploration, usually silent:


There are already 35 videos uploaded, if they haven't federated to your server yet you can browse them all at

These clips are to accompany a photography account documenting the same locations at:


LostPodObsidianUrbexPeerTube, an ActivityPub-federated video streaming platform using P2P directly in your web browser.

If you enjoy videos about Linux and free open source software, you might want to follow the Linux Experiment:

➡️ @thelinuxexperiment

There are already over 300 videos uploaded, if these haven't federated to your server yet you can browse them all at

You can also follow the Linux Experiment's general social media account at @thelinuxEXP

TILvidsThe Linux ExperimentI'm Nick, and I like to tinker with Linux stuff. I'll bumble through distro reviews, tutorials, and general helpful tidbits and impressions on Linux desktop environments, applications, and news. Yo...

Kerry Ferrand is a New Zealander making book review videos, covering both fiction and non-fiction. You can follow at:

➡️ @kerry_ferrand

There are already seven videos uploaded, you can browse them all at

The videos have subtitles in English, click CC to see them.

Spectra VideoKerry FerrandAnother loathsome Gen-Xer in New Zealand. Buys lots of books and reads a few of them.

Helen McLaughlin makes painting videos that show how she creates her art:

➡️ @helenmclaughlin

There are already over 30 videos uploaded. If these haven't federated to your server yet, you can browse them all at

You can also follow McLaughlin's general social media account at @helenmclaughlinart

MakerTubeHelen McLaughlinI am a UK based digital painter and author, working on scenes of nature and occasional character portraits. You can also find me on Mastodon: Pixelfed: http...