הוא שרת אחד משרתי מסטודון עצמאיים רבים שדרגם תוכלו להשתתף בפדיוורס (רשת חברתית מבוזרת)., a Mastodon instance (He | En mostly) רשת מסטודון עברית | חופשית משיקולים תאגידיים | פדרטיבית עם הFediverse

סטטיסטיקות שרת:

משתמשים פעילים


6 הודעות6 משתתפיםות0 הודעות היום

Hitomezashi sashiko cuts the surface into a tiling that can always be colored with exactly two colors so that the two colors never touch. My first round of stitches are large, so I filled in half of the space with tiny cross stitches in navy blue. This highlights the two-coloring of the tiling. (Yes, there’s a mistake in the geometry, but it’s working perfectly as a patch.) The fabric for the patch is a vintage piece of woven silk, from a collection of a seller’s samples, and I used the pattern woven into the silk as the grid for my stitches. This is now a patch on a pair of old bluejeans to give them new life. #mathart #visiblemending #sewing

New sashiko patch stitched with three sets of parallel rows of running stitch. This should give these jeans a few more washings before they fall apart, I hope. The fabric is starting to fail in a few places. So this might be the beginning of the end. Even still, I have to do what I can to try to make them last.

This statement is about more than blue jeans.

שרשור מתמשך

These jeans are wearing very thin and starting to disintegrate in a few areas, which is to be expected since they were basic jeans bought from Asda and have seen years of hard use. It makes absolutely no economic sense to continue repairing them (of course I'm going to patch them anyway)

שרשור מתמשך

there's definitely a fabric weight below which this is not a practical technique, and I have not figured out a good way to mend for example base layer merino shirts

it's also not a technique that works for stretched-out bits like elbows

buy big appliques, then it looks like a statement rather than a fuckup

oh and try to stick them on there so they kind of frame your boobs, if you're a person with boobs

שרשור מתמשך

my sewing notes on this: it's a HUGE help if you've got iron-on appliques, then you resolve most issues with the fabric stretching during the ironing process (which you have more control over because you can keep your workpiece flat on the ironing board)

שרשור מתמשך

tracing out the stitching lines on the applique with the sewing machine was A Job

but I think, given the constraints inherent in the project, I'm relatively satisfied with how Giant Armpit Bee Applique turned out

and if I get asked questions about it, it's a chance to talk about the importance of fixing things

and how satisfying it is to keep clothes out of the trash

שרשור מתמשך

the black sweater, the little cat got to it and tore a hole right in the armpit

this does not look professional (hello colleagues, check out my bra) and I doubted that I could make it look anything but weird

but I decided what the hell, go big


(yes, you can see the cat hair, ugh)

today's rainy day project: visible mending

I got a couple of these fine merino sweaters at Costco a few years ago and they've developed holes

I ironed these flowers over the shoulder on this one a while back, sewed them down today because they've been peeling off

I get a lot of compliments on this, people assume it's intentional rather than a coverup 🧵

In order to prepare my #textile #repair classes, I made a #visiblemending swatchbook. Its been a while that I wanted to have one object to show specific repairs when people ask what is possible to do with their damaged garments.

Before starting online classes, I will first see how the first class goes. Here's the programme:

Course 1/4: simple sewing stitches
Course 2/4: Darning and patches
Course 3/4: Knitwear repair level 1
Course 4/4: Knitwear repair level 2

I will give these classes in #brussels #bruxelles at the textile #fablab @greenfabric in French (one on one translation in English could be possible but the main explanations will be in French).

More info here:

Book cover showcases the super Banana font by @clara__bgn 💜

בתגובה לחשבון Stéphanie Vilayphiou

@vvvvvilay Oh wow, such skill in one person!

I'm not so concerned about matching the color — when I darn holes I often use whatever color I think would be nice! (Here is some #VisibleMending I just did yesterday.)

I was more thinking, how can I tell what weight of yarn to use? What about the fiber content — will it stretch differently and create worse problems if I use a different material?

An #invisiblemending for a customer. I love #visiblemending but customers never ask for that...
I thought this #repair would be tough but in the end, not so much. I'm sad that I forgot my double-latch tool at the studio as it would have been the unique occasion to use it to rebuild unravelled garter stitches...
I reconstructed the cast off with a new thread by mimicking a crochet chain with a sewing needle.

I am preparing a cycle of 4 courses to repair clothes in Brussels. But I'm wondering whether there would be people interested following an online course?

To patch some jeans where the fabric was failing, I used this hitomezashi sashiko design called Persimmon Flower or Kakinohanazashi. There’s a piece of fabric, the patch, on the inside for extra strength. I showed you the photo on the left last week, but the one on the right with more stitches is new. With a 1/4” grid, the horizontal and vertical stitches feel kind of big to me, so I added some cross stitches where the fabric was weakest for some extra reinforcement. An interesting attribute of hitomezashi is it partitions the plane of the fabric so that we can always color the regions with exactly two colors, and the colors won’t touch. So I alternated the regions of cross stitches in navy blue and white. #visiblemending #sewing #mathart