My work for the next days: Sewing this flowers and butterflies (there ist batting underneath each, glued with textile glue) with ladder stitch all around the edges on the bought pillow case (80 x 80 cm). After this it is quilting time.
(Not everything is my colour palette/pattern, but it's especially requested by my kid. I sew a relatively simple quilt blanket out of big blocks in rainbow colours last year for my child and will also appliqué butterflies and my beloved rainbow-flowers on this.)
#handsewing #nähen #sewing #handnähen #slowStitching #quilt #quilting #slowCrafting #Handarbeit #NähenVonHand #SewingForKids #Handarbeiten #quilten #nähenFürKinder #EPP #Hexies #Hexagon #EnglishPaperPiecing
This time of year I tend to do a lot less stitching because I’m preoccupied with spring. But I’m still slowly picking away at my year long quilt project. The middle is this scrappy appliquéd heart with layers of blanket stitch. I’m really loving this process. #slowstitching #handstitching
Nearly finished - at least the first one. (And yes, the butterflies will get antennae when I stitch them onto the rainbow Quilt I made last year for my child.)
#quilt #quilting #sewing #slowStitching #EPP #nähen #quilten #HandNähen #NähenVonHand #Butterfly #Schmetterling #Handarbeiten #Patchwork #Hexie
Due to illness I hadn't enough spoons to do much, but I did a few stitches on my ongoing quilting project in the last days (nearly finished pillow case) and a christmas embroidery I just started a few days before christmas '24. I bought it a ~5 years ago and forgot the embroidery kit.
I also bought a new, small embroidery kit because of all the spring feelz. (But I don't understand what this printed fleece does, or this ballpoint refill?). Anyway, I will have to learn how to do bouillon embroidery fot this project. Looking forward fot this!
Also: small Doodle I made with a new pen I bought for my kid.
#quilting #quilten #sticken #embroidery #stickprojekt #epp #zeichnen #doodle #kleineKunstKlasse #slowstitching #stitching #sewing
I was looking through my brown buttons…
Sharing these extra interesting ones with you.
The large ones probably came from coats.
Plus those odd-shaped ones on the left – in two sizes!
I have a plan, for my 2025 free Block of the Month, to explore creating by hand, using what you have in your stash.
I hope you’ll plan to play with me in January!
This is the center of my Sampler quilt (1998) - I keep track, and it took me 100 hours.
Worth every stitch!!
I’m seeing the misconception, in recent comments, that stitching by hand is ‘hard work’.
It’s not hard, at all - it just takes time & patience and has the bonus effect of relaxing creativity!
Stitches needn’t be perfect or it’ll look machine made…and would loose the charm!
As with all things you practice, you get better with time.
A new patch with #hitomezashi #sashiko #embroidery gives old jeans new life. On the left, the weave of the silk has an array of tiny hexagons, which I used as a grid for the three sets of parallel stitching lines. On the right, the weave in the silk patch has a square grid that I used for two sets of parallel stitching lines. I don’t bother to finish the edges of the patch. Instead, I pull off the loose threads until it stops unraveling. After each wash, I might have to trim some more loose threads, but eventually it’s pretty stable from all of the embroidery.
A few days ago the post surgery fog finally lifted enough for me to return to my stitching. I've finished this piece: the prompt had to do with folding cloth, and at one point in the video Katryn mentioned "the folds of the land" and my mind jumped to the ground in my front yard at this time of year, and the contrast between green, soft moss in the shade, and hard baked clay soil, dried grasses, and scattered seeds in the sunnier areas. I have no idea how many hours I spent on my fake moss but I have no regrets. #slowstitchwithk3n #slowstitching #mosstodon (sort of)