הוא שרת אחד משרתי מסטודון עצמאיים רבים שדרגם תוכלו להשתתף בפדיוורס (רשת חברתית מבוזרת)., a Mastodon instance (He | En mostly) רשת מסטודון עברית | חופשית משיקולים תאגידיים | פדרטיבית עם הFediverse

סטטיסטיקות שרת:

משתמשים פעילים


6 הודעות6 משתתפיםות0 הודעות היום

My work for the next days: Sewing this flowers and butterflies (there ist batting underneath each, glued with textile glue) with ladder stitch all around the edges on the bought pillow case (80 x 80 cm). After this it is quilting time. 🧵
(Not everything is my colour palette/pattern, but it's especially requested by my kid. I sew a relatively simple quilt blanket out of big blocks in rainbow colours last year for my child and will also appliqué butterflies and my beloved rainbow-flowers on this.)

#handsewing #nähen #sewing #handnähen #slowStitching #quilt #quilting #slowCrafting #Handarbeit #NähenVonHand #SewingForKids #Handarbeiten #quilten #nähenFürKinder #EPP #Hexies #Hexagon #EnglishPaperPiecing


Finished my first #quilt It's a simple lap blanket for my mother. It's all done wrong, the binding is horrible, the stitching is atrocious, and I've jammed my machine up more times than I can count. I am absolutely taking a quilting class before I do my next one. Still, despite all its imperfections, I'm happy to have finished it and look forward to giving it to my mother this weekend =)

I'm really proud of this quilt and I hope I can find an organization that wants to auction it to raise funds, but I fear it took me too long to finish and it's moment has passed

Completed: February 2025
Design: Word Play Letters/Round Rosies
Quilting: Fractures Pantograph
Size: 67” x 84”

The original phrase was from SarahEppersonShop on Etsy - I'd been looking for an opportunity to make improv roses and it all just came together

I've finished #quilting this lap quilt! It's not particularly large but it's taken me a year to complete and it's absolutely been a labour of love. I have a deeper appreciation for hand stitching!

I'm sending it to my sister who's still undergoing chemo, with a note that says "each stitch is a prayer for your good health and happiness" and some photos of it in progress so she can see how many stitches actually went into it.

תגובה לשרשור

It has been a while, but in between other projects (and Life™), I have continued sewing these tiny hexies.

Still no idea what I will create, but it is becoming a bit of a drag ...

So I decided to stop where I am at, and I will use the remaining hexies for other projects, possibly appliqued little flowers on Things®.

I am really happy that this first EPP project has given me the miles and education to pick up smaller EPP work without hesitation.

Guten Tag

Es ist wieder Stammtisch am Sonntag.

Ganz herzlich lade ich alle Interessierten zum 103. Nähnerd:inenstammtisch ein.
Jeder und jede ist willkommen (alle Nähniveaus und alle textilen Techniken)

Der Stammtisch findet wie gewohnt auf dem Big Blue Button statt.

Datum: 9.2.2025
Uhrzeit: 19:00
BBB Link:

Kein spezielles Thema
#stammtisch #nahtild #nähen #online #stoffsuchti #sewing #nähnerd #quilt #schneidern #tailoring #sewing #stoff #fabric

It survived!

My great grandmother made this Hawaiian quiltfor my grandfather. She started when he was a baby in the 1920's, put it aside, and finally finished it in the 1970's once she retired.

The one with the amazing portrait from last week. With a year she moved to Maui, having met her future husband there already.

So happy this made it!

Did a thing today, I decided to test sew a quilt block that is part of a quilt pattern called "Mirrored Mountains". I found a tutorial on how to build the block on YouTube, and it did seem to be easy enough to try out with some scraps.
Mine is far smaller then the original though but due to how it is made up I figured it would scale ok.
A this point there's two 15 cm blocks sewn together to form a pattern unit.
I guess I need to get some more equipment, specifically a larger square ruler, preferably one using inches as most patterns seem to go by that (the only square ruler I have is 15 by 15 cm, hence the size of the sample).
#sewing #patchwork #quilt #testing

Latifah Saafir is having a #Quilt sample sale to raise funds for those impacted by the #LAFires (she and her quilt studio are currently safe)

I know some people on Mastodon have inquired about purchasing quilts recently, this is a chance to get one from a famous designer and help out LA at the same time

shop.latifahsaafirstudios.comQuilt Sample Sale