My work for the next days: Sewing this flowers and butterflies (there ist batting underneath each, glued with textile glue) with ladder stitch all around the edges on the bought pillow case (80 x 80 cm). After this it is quilting time.
(Not everything is my colour palette/pattern, but it's especially requested by my kid. I sew a relatively simple quilt blanket out of big blocks in rainbow colours last year for my child and will also appliqué butterflies and my beloved rainbow-flowers on this.)
#handsewing #nähen #sewing #handnähen #slowStitching #quilt #quilting #slowCrafting #Handarbeit #NähenVonHand #SewingForKids #Handarbeiten #quilten #nähenFürKinder #EPP #Hexies #Hexagon #EnglishPaperPiecing
Have started some of the practice pieces in the mini quilt book. #quilting #HandSewing #MiniQuilt it’s definitely worth making practice pieces because the patterns change so much in tiny spaces. #miniatures
Mary’s back on the design wall! There was a bobble with her background fabric but I’m happy to working on this one again
This was originally going to be 16 on-point blocks, but I resolved to make smaller quilts this year, so I’m going with 9 instead
Next up - setting squares with ammonite centers
Hallo Zusammen, ich bin Tanja, 51, süchtig nach Stoff und Wolle. Partner und Hund. Gerade sehr im Nähwahn. Ich habe #EPP und #quilting für mich entdeckt. Seit Oktober 24 in einem lieben Nähkurs und lerne fleißig dazu.
Bisher aktiv bei Insta und sehr angenervt dort. Ich würde mir gern wieder aussuchen, wem und was ich folge. Überlege mich dort zu löschen.
Was suche ich? Austausch mit netten Menschen rund ums Nähen und Stricken. Ideen für neue Projekte finden und eigene Werke zeigen.
Corrie likes “helping” with all my crafting projects.
This #Caturday the help is just keeping my lap warm.
#sewing is a superpower — just ask anyone that sews how many times they’ve been asked to do repairs on clothing, by others.
Happy International Women’s Day!
Words done for #InarticulateTaco. Well, done-ish. Still needs an apostrophe
Borders are about all that’s left so this quilt should finish up early next week, if I’m lucky
My local fiber store.
First try at DIY-needle minder out of UV Epoxy Resin, 2 magnets, some key charms and a little bit glitter.
It's lightweight enough to use it on embroidery or during the sewing of bigger EPP-projects. I really like it and will do some more in the future.
(I used a form for a pendant, need something without a hole for a string.. tried to close, but obviously failed)
My thanks goes to @ulktante - hadn't she used a bought (and really beautiful!) needle minder during our online meeting of #VersponnenerSalon last month, I wouldn't have known that something so useful exists!
#diy #sewing #nähen #sticken #embroidery #EPP #quilting #Handarbeiten #crafting #magnet #needleMinder
Three #butterfly #quilts, made by my mom, all're available
40 x 40 in (102 x 102 cm); 2nd's 34 x 45 in (86 x 114 cm); 3rd's 42 x 55 in (107 x 140 cm); msg me if interested
I’m going to miss researching and writing the #CelebrateBlackQuilters thread for #BlackHistoryMonth 2025. Now that the month is ending, I put together a few notes, some odds and ends that didn’t fit into the daily posts
"Advice From a Terrier"
teableau for 02/27/25
*Don't take No for an answer
*There's nothing a good nap won't improve
*Always maintain situational awareness
*Let people do nice things for you
*Be proud to be loud
*Be down to earth
I'm really proud of this quilt and I hope I can find an organization that wants to auction it to raise funds, but I fear it took me too long to finish and it's moment has passed
Completed: February 2025
Design: Word Play Letters/Round Rosies
Quilting: Fractures Pantograph
Size: 67” x 84”
The original phrase was from SarahEppersonShop on Etsy - I'd been looking for an opportunity to make improv roses and it all just came together
My Blue & Yellow piece is finished!
See my process in this week’s video…
February – Week 4 – The Finish
I got so many great ideas for how to fix the grommet on this quilted backpack, and I tried a bunch, but ultimately realized I should just cut it off. This bag is about an inch shorter than the the pattern called for, but still roomy
I made the embroidery font myself, adding the cuneiform-like triangles to a simple alphabet. Lots of jump threads to trim but worth it! Going to be fun to carry this around
I've finished #quilting this lap quilt! It's not particularly large but it's taken me a year to complete and it's absolutely been a labour of love. I have a deeper appreciation for hand stitching!
I'm sending it to my sister who's still undergoing chemo, with a note that says "each stitch is a prayer for your good health and happiness" and some photos of it in progress so she can see how many stitches actually went into it.