Microsoft is so busy upselling the enterprise to #Fabric that a big part of the #PowerBI customer base seems to get left behind. Including any hopes for Power Apps integration to improve.
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Es ist wieder Stammtisch am Sonntag.
Ganz herzlich lade ich alle Interessierten zum 103. Nähnerd:inenstammtisch ein.
Jeder und jede ist willkommen (alle Nähniveaus und alle textilen Techniken)
Der Stammtisch findet wie gewohnt auf dem Big Blue Button statt.
Datum: 9.2.2025
Uhrzeit: 19:00
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Kein spezielles Thema
#stammtisch #nahtild #nähen #online #stoffsuchti #sewing #nähnerd #quilt #schneidern #tailoring #sewing #stoff #fabric
Textile experts & historians, this is probably a hopeless cause, but I'm wondering if it's possible to identify the pattern used on this 1970s tiger/lion.
The fabric is cotton & my mum remembers that it was bought at a church sale in Southampton. She thought handmade by parishioners, but it did have a label that has fragmented from years of love.
I don't expect to get the same fabric again, but I love the design and would love to see what the whole fabric looked like #fabric #textiles #history
#PSA my Lovely #Crafting Peeps!
(This includes you if you have ever so much as reattached a broken-off handle to a coffee mug!)
Have found A Useful Site (if you need it) & Lovely Rabbit Hole (if you don't):
A website of recommendations for gluing This To That (#fabric to #leather, #ceramic to #vinyl, #styrofoam to #rubber, etc.), plus a trivia page & funny FAQs.
Also available en français
Hey hey #sewing friends, just a note that Matchy Matchy Sewing Club has denim linen right now, something I've rarely seen over the years and it might be perfect for someone's garment project (the Indigo Herringbone is so pretty!)
It isn't cheap at $28/yard, but I know some sewists can wring a lot from a yard or two, so I figured it could be useful to share.
I send thanks to the buyer from New York who purchased a jigsaw puzzle of
Tea by the Sea --
May the process of putting together the pieces -- all 1000 of them -- be a joy and a challenge, and may the image bring to you a sense of calmness and tranquility. That's how I feel about drinking tea, and being by the sea.
Sporting colorful garments and richly patterned faces, Reen Barrera’s doll sculptures evoke an expressive, make-believe world.
‘Robotic’ Dress Uses Simple Techniques To Combine 3D Printed Parts With Fabric - By and large, our clothes don’t actively move. They’re simple pieces of fabric ass... - #wearablehacks #neoprene #fashion #fabric #dress
Ikat Yellow Blue Floral Pattern makes a great pillow design. See it here if interested:
I only made a couple of gifts this year- 4 catnip stuffed cotton bags and this tic tac toe game for one of my younger great nephews . I made the Xs and Os with loops for added dexterity, and back loops that hold the pieces, and it all fits into a matching drawstring bag
#sewing #handmade #fabric #upcycle #crafting #games #tictactoe.
Day 20 of #FabricAdventCalendar is a fuchsia fat quarter - I adore the color, always have, but why did they have to give it a name I am genetically incapable of spelling correctly
"[Parks's] research currently focuses on decentering Whiteness and developing sustainable, land-based practices for producing textiles, fine art, and fashion. In her work featured on the fourth floor of Evans Hall, she uses upcycled deadstock (leftover fabric not used by clothing manufacturers) and damaged printed textiles to create art."