“The latest U.S. #Bicycling Participation Study from PeopleForBikes reveals that in 2024, 112 million Americans—35% of people aged three and older—rode a #bike at least once. That’s the highest participation rate recorded since the study began in 2014, reinforcing the pandemic-driven #cycling boom as more than just a temporary trend.
Even more encouraging is the increase in youth ridership” https://momentummag.com/more-americans-are-riding-bicycles-than-ever-before-report-states/
#marketing #dontbelievethehype
“The benefits of buying the most expensive #bike instead of a mid-range #bike have always been questionable. But today, the extra performance you get—when there is some—by buying a top-of-the-line #bike, drivetrain, wheelset, or other gear is rarely exceptional enough to justify the outrageous premiums brands demand for their highest-end equipment”
#Bike Prices Can Seem Outrageous. Here's Why They're Probably Not Worth the Cost
“British #Cycling’s new plan – and its focus on sport and fleeting, limited references to #infrastructure and #cycling for #transport – have been criticised by #roadsafety expert Dr Robert Davis, who says the strategy fails to address the biggest barrier to growing #cycling in the #UK: the perception that it’s dangerous”
“#Cycling has the power to transform lives, yet too many people face stubborn barriers to getting on a #bike”
@ItTakesTwo @nahostdeutschland
Eine große Mitschuld an diesen #carbrains -Ausreden ist die Berichterstattung in den Medien. Daher teilt bitte folgenden Link des ADFCs und leitet das an Polizistinnen/Juristinnen/Journalistinnen/Politikerinnen/Medien etc. weiter. Danke
“#AlisonStewart, the #Bicycle Mayor of #Toronto … Recently, she announced the formation of a new initiative aimed at addressing a significant gap in the city’s #bike community … This new group, Femmes & Friends, is not just about riding #bikes—it’s about creating a supportive space where #women can come together, share the joy of #cycling, and challenge the barriers that often keep them from feeling safe and comfortable on the roads” https://momentummag.com/bicycle-mayor-launches-femmes-friends-group-to-confront-cycling-barriers/
A visitor from abroad was surprised to discover that you can borrow an electric cargo bike at the hardware store if you need to carry bulky stuff home.
The first two hours are free. After that, you pay 99 kr. (about €13) per hour. Another nice sign, I think, of the advantages of walkable, bikable cities.
Today, my daughter (#2 ) has registered 2 records on the bike: distance (41km) and max speed (26km/h) !
She’s very proud of it, but what she prefers are the snacks we got for the post-ride session ^^
Anyone going to the #Philly #Bike Expo? I'm planning on attending today and tomorrow, although I haven't actually left my house yet.
I've found it very helpful in the past. Last time we attended, we discovered helmets with microphones and speakers that network together with Bluetooth, to make it easier to carry on conversations without biking side-by-side. Also fashionable reflective clothing.
Toulouse : L’entreprise de vélos-cargos Botch sommée de changer de nom par le géant Bosch.
L’entreprise de vélo-cargo sur mesure basée à Toulouse « Botch Cargo Bikes » a été mise en demeure par la multinationale allemande Bosch à cause de la ressemblance, à l’oreille, avec sa marque.
Effet Streisand fait ta magie !
#Bike #Velotaf #Velo
Shifter posts excellent videos all about cycling including bikes, cycling tips, city cycling, bike accessories, maintenance, culture, preventing bike theft etc. You can follow at:
They've already posted over 270 videos. If these haven't federated to your server yet, you can browse them all at https://video.canadiancivil.com/a/shifter/videos
Probably sold it long ago with all the #sportswashing and #greenwashing
#UCI #TourdeFrance #SaudiArabia #WallStreet #warnerbrosdiscovery
Is Pro #Cycling Selling Its Soul? The Costly Future Fans Don’t See Coming
Big money is pouring into #cycling
"a changing media landscape, rising costs of running a team and organizing #bike races, diminishing returns of the #sport’s traditional base, and the stubborn resistance among some of #cycling’s old-guard”
Great video not just about bike lanes in Paris, but also dispelling the myth that it's just leadership, and highlighting the importance of advocacy, accountability, and seizing opportunities.
Are my search capabilities just shit?? But can anyone recommend good #bike lights? I like the GoPro mount feature as I have the peak design phone holder with the connection underneath but the state of bike lights is such a fucking mess. I want USB-C charging, and a max 800(ish) lumens but trying to find this is hard. Garmin has a couple smart options but I don’t use bike computers #ottawa #ottbike #biketooter
#CriticalMass ride tonight in #Morristown #NJ . Bring #bicycles bring lights, bring friends. Meet near the fountain on the Green at 6:30. Always a good fun ride.
#cycling #bicycle #UnitedStates
'This will ultimately price out certain consumers and hurt demand' - #bike companies react to new #steel and #aluminum #tariffs
The #USA #bike industry could be facing a new set of economic challenges as Trump hikes up import #taxes
"The measures also eliminate previous country-specific exemptions and quotas, applying the #tariffs universally to #imports from all nations”