New in our electronic #collection:
Belonging and #Identity in #STEM #HigherEducation
New in our electronic #collection:
Belonging and #Identity in #STEM #HigherEducation
I just added two new journals to the list of #DiamondOpenAccess journals in the small Guide that Opens Science at - @rupdecat pointed me to the Journal of Open Source Education earlier, and then I also found the International Journal of Open Educational Resources.
Does anybody know any other Diamond OA journals to add?
Or better yet - is there already an overview of Diamond OA journals somewhere?
#Arctic climate rankings are now in for February 2025: This was a historic month for the region with record warm conditions and record low sea ice relative to any prior February.
Self-care Friday! As we get ready to kick off the weekend, what is one thing that made you smile, this week?
Share pictures, stories, memes, whatever it is that made you smile, even if for just a brief moment this week. Below is a picture of a blooming goldfish plant--a signal of spring.
At pyOpenSci, we continue to celebrate our inclusive #opensource community.
#selfcarefriday #openscience #opensource
I have been approach by an editor of #JOSS ( who told me about #JOSE ( - for which I could not find a Mastodon handle).
The idea is to provide a low-hurdle academic reward to provide open access educational material -- with a particular computational emphasis.
Thing is, that you hardly get an academic “paper” if you develop teaching material. So, this might be appealing for some folk here.
Submitting preprints to PsyArXiv has just become easier!
Check out the blog post to learn more about a new streamlined preprint submission workflow!
#OpenScience #psychology
New #Paper published in Quantum: Trade-off relations between measurement dependence and hiddenness for separable hidden variable models
Future Event Coming up!
Join the #OSCNL Barcamp 2025!
Thursday, 23-10-2025
Satellite event of the National Open Science Festival
An unconference for 100 Open Science enthusiasts—novices & experts alike—to spark ideas, share knowledge, and collaborate. No fixed agenda, you set the topics!
Oh, and did we mention pizza? More info & registration:
Sign up now:
#OpenScience #OSF2025NL #OSCNLBarcamp
I just updated my #Arctic sea-ice thickness and volume graphics for February 2025 using PIOMAS data:
This month was the 2nd lowest February volume on record.
Perhaps most importantly, when you support arXiv, you support . . . your own work!
arXiv promotes scientific advancement by making it fast, easy, & free for you to share your research & discover new science every single day. #openscience
Oxybasis chenopodioides
les Guilleries
#flora #Amaranthaceae #Guilleries #floraguilleries #botany #wildflowers #plants #biodiversity #openscience @plantscience
OSMI brings together researchers, librarians, tech experts & policy-makers committed to advancing open science.
Upcoming talks:
- LERU OA Policy Group (Iain Hrynaszkiewicz, @PLOS)
- Fiesole Retreat (@BraccoLaetitia, Université de Lorraine)
Want OSMI at your event? Get in touch!
Join us & help shape open science for everyone, everywhere.
#OpenScience #OSMI 2/2
The Open Science Monitoring Initiative (OSMI) now includes 166 members from 42 countries across all continents! This growing network shows global dedication to open science. While many members are from Europe & North America, we warmly invite more voices from Africa, Asia, Latin America, Oceania & Arab States. Let’s build a truly inclusive, global movement!
#OpenScience #OSMI 1/2
Join us for the next webinar in our Open 2.0 series where we'll explore how #OpenScience can help solve challenges for Big Team Science Initiatives.
March 28 at 6am PDT/ 2pm CET
Register now:
Presented by PLOS, the Einstein Foundation Berlin Award for Promoting Quality in Research, BIH QUEST Center for Responsible Research, and Berlin University Alliance
If someone needs to backup all USDA SNOTEL data (as climate adjacent) and therefore "reasons", here is gist using my {snotelr} #rstats package.
The fourth hashtag#FNSO call for projects on open scientific publishing is open !
You have until May 21, 2025 to submit your project!
Something about #openrxiv rubs me the wrong way, beyond being unclear about what exactly is “open”:
It’s all cast in the mantle of “independence” and “sustainability”, but then it seems to be fully dependent on the millions of dollars given by CZI and other problematic philanthropists.
Also the pay expectation for their CEO is $240,000-$320,000, which doesn’t help lowering the burn rate?
"Reproducibility should be a key factor in all your research, in all your projects. It costs time, but it's also shifting the time, and in the end it can save time again."
We are preparing new episodes for our #OpenScience Bites #podcast about #reproducibility.
We talked to Michiel de Boer of the @Dutch_Reproducibility_Network and we are very much looking forward to this episode. So stay tuned!
Previous episodes featured #OpenEducation and #PublicEngagement.
Science thrives when knowledge is open! Check out this strategy for #OpenScience: integrating #FAIR & #CARE principles, responsible researcher assessment #DORA, and digital infrastructure for transparent research
Let's build a transparent, inclusive, and impactful research ecosystem together! Global impact begins locally!
New #Paper published in Quantum: Platonic dynamical decoupling sequences for interacting spin systems