Ok, I now added the last suggestions to the list of Diamond Open Access journals at https://guide.opens.science/publishing-open-access.html
Ok, I now added the last suggestions to the list of Diamond Open Access journals at https://guide.opens.science/publishing-open-access.html
New #openaccess publication #SciPost #Physics
Statistical mechanics of exponentially many low lying states
Swapnamay Mondal
SciPost Phys. 18, 103 (2025)
New #openaccess publication #SciPost #Physics
Conformal geometry from entanglement
Isaac H. Kim, Xiang Li, Ting-Chun Lin, John McGreevy, Bowen Shi
SciPost Phys. 18, 102 (2025)
New #openaccess publication #SciPost #Physics
Trans-series from condensates
Marcos Mariño, Ramon Miravitllas
SciPost Phys. 18, 101 (2025)
Den richtigen Verlag für dein Open-Access-Buch finden? Der oa.finder macht’s leicht – mit dem neuen Bereich "Buch"!
Durchsuche rund 70 Wissenschaftsverlage nach Programmschwerpunkten, Services & Kosten. Wie das geht, zeigen dir @KatjaDammann und Nina Schönfelder in unserer kostenlosen Online-Schulung:
3. April 2025 |
11:00–12:00 Uhr
Jetzt anmelden! https://uni-bielefeld.zoom.us/meeting/register/jOJNYZ9qTtKKYH2NNVgSMQ#/registration
There's a new issue of Práticas da História, the Journal on Theory, Historiography, and Uses of the Past!
It includes the dossier "Collaborative practices: rethinking narratives and musealization processes", coordinated by Rita Juliana Soares Poloni, Diego Lemos Ribeiro, and Elizabete Mendonça.
Available in #OpenAccess: https://praticasdahistoria.pt/issue/view/1964
Hi! Welcome to the #Dutch National #OpenScience Festival, taking place at the University of Groningen and UMCG on 24 October 2025.
We're Babette and Josca from @Bibliothecaris, taking over this account for this festival edition.
Follow us here for the latest #OSF2025NL updates on festival preparations, registration and programme developments, and of course during the event itself.
Update. "#DOGE order leads to journal cancellations by U.S. agricultural library"
"The #USDA on Friday told staff members it has canceled subscriptions carried by its National Agricultural Library as part of a drive by President Donald #Trump’s administration to cut federal spending. The move appears to drop nearly 400 of the library’s roughly 2000 journals, including many prominent in various agricultural subfields —but curiously none from the world’s three largest scientific publishers, all of which are #ForProfit. USDA staff members depicted the move as hasty, indiscriminate slashing…Studies of journal subscription fees indicate that on average, scientific #SocietyPublishers charge less than such for-profit companies."
PS: (1) Of course the best ag research should be #OpenAccess. But that's a goal, not the current reality, and while we work for that goal, policymaking agencies still need access the best research. (2) If efficiency requires budget cuts, why focus the cuts on journals from #nonprofit #publishers, which on average are lower in price and higher in quality?
@cOAlitionS_OA Acquiescing would be a grave error for the global #scholcomm initiative. It would have the potential to unleash an existential crisis upon the #OpenAccess movement. By setting the precedent, the oligpoly would seize upon the #ADC concept -- every publisher will start introducing them, and #GreenOA — the free, low barrier way of sharing research — will be extinguished. The corporate behaviour of the #oligopoly is quite predictable.
I live in hope... #OpenResearch #OpenScience
18 months on from the American Chemical Society's (#ACS) intention to introduce an 'article development charge' (ADC) -- and this @cOAlitionS_OA repudiation of the #ADC concept -- institutions in the UK (along with Jisc) remain locked in sector negotiations with ACS on a new 'read & publish' agreement for 2025/2026. Other jurisdictions are likely in a similar position.
I remain deeply concerned that institutions will simply acquiesce to the ADC concept....
https://www.coalition-s.org/blog/american-chemical-society-acs-and-authors-rights-retention/ #OpenAccess
« Confronting risks of mirror life »
Subtitle: Broad discussion is needed to chart a path forward
Abstract: […] We call for broader discussion among the global research community, policy-makers, research funders, industry, civil society, and the public to chart an appropriate path forward.
Guess what? It’s behind a paywall. Aaahh this kind of “broad”…
Yet another example: our scientific community is broken!
#OpenScience #OpenAccess
When should I preprint my work?
People often come up to me and say, “Dermot, do you have the money now?”* But other times they will come up to me and ask “Dermot, when should I preprint my work?” This is a great question, and the general answer is, “whenever it suits you best”. The important thing is that your work is out there, unpaywalled, and accessible to the world. So the specific timing might be more down to individual preferences, journal policies (like time-limited embargos), or some other factors.
But, by and large, there is nothing to stop you preprinting your own work, and at a time of your choosing. There may be exceptions, but they will represent a tiny minority of cases. Here’s a nice introduction to preprinting – that covers motivations and advice for how to get started with preprinting your work.
So when and why do people decide to preprint? Let’s look briefly at different stages of the publication cycle and think why you might want to preprint your work at each point.
At the draft stage?
You can preprint your work before or after your first submission to a journal to get your fully-formed ideas out in the world as soon as possible, with a DOI, and time-stamped confirmation! It provides opportunities for early feedback, increased exposure, and let’s you claim precedence for your ideas.
After a round of reviews?
When you’ve revised a paper, you can preprint what is likely to be an almost final version that you know has had peer feedback. So, it’s still being released well before it appears “in print”, but with the knowledge that you’ve had input from your peers.
When it’s been accepted for publication?
Although later in the publication process, preprinting at this point can still be months before a journal version appears online, so it’s still really worthwhile doing it. And preprinting at this stage perhaps gives authors added confidence, knowing it’s been formally accepted and having gone through a full peer-review process.
Even if your paper has been published, you can still “Preprint” (or postprint) your non-formatted manuscript version. This has the advantage that your work will remain freely accessible through “green open access”, even if the journal version is behind a paywall. An added bonus is that you don’t have to pay exorbitant fees to a publisher to make your work open access.
I think that more important than when you preprint, is that you do preprint, making your work open and accessible to all. If you’re looking for a place to preprint your work, there are lots of options from very general repositories like Zenodo or OSF Preprints, discipline-specific ones like the PsyArXiv, ArXiV, BodoArXiv, or AgriArXiv (see here for lots more preprint communities), or even region-specific repositories like AfricArXiv. So, if you haven’t preprinted before, make this the year that you do!
Dermot Lynott is an Associate Professor at Maynooth University, and the current chair of the PsyArXiv Scientific Advisory Board.
* I think I originally heard Dylan Moran make this joke, so thank you Dylan!
Publizieren im #OpenAccess kann durch verschiedene Anforderungen kompliziert sein – aber der oa.finder hilft!
Mit wenigen Klicks findet ihr passende Zeitschriften & Verlage für eure Publikation, inklusive Infos zu Finanzierung & Lizenzen. Wie Bibliotheken ihn in der Beratung nutzen, zeigt ein neuer Blogbeitrag.
Jetzt lesen: https://open-access.network/blog/publikationsberatung-mit-dem-oafinder
How can we shape a desirable future amid current and future challenges and crises? This question was explored at the Weizenbaum Conference 2024, with a focus on the digital and socio-ecological transformation of society.
The volume "Uncertain Journeys into #Digital Futures" with 20 contributions to the #WIConf24 is now available #openaccess.
Contributors: @francescabria
@tinacomes @suehlmann_faul @marcsteen
New #openaccess publication #SciPost #Physics
Boundary time crystals as AC sensors: Enhancements and constraints
Dominic Gribben, Anna Sanpera, Rosario Fazio, Jamir Marino, Fernando Iemini
SciPost Phys. 18, 100 (2025)
@mainzuniversity #ICREA #UAB #ICTP #UniversityNaplesFederico2 #UFF
#AgenciaEstatalInvestigación #Serrapilheira #MUR
New #openaccess publication #SciPost #Physics
Molecular sorting on a fluctuating membrane
Damiano Andreghetti, Luca Dall'Asta, Andrea Gamba, Igor Kolokolov, Vladimir Lebedev
SciPost Phys. 18, 099 (2025)
New #openaccess publication #SciPost #Physics
Chiral adiabatic transmission protected by Fermi surface topology
Isidora Araya Day, Kostas Vilkelis, Antonio L. R. Manesco, Ahmet Mert Bozkurt, Valla Fatemi, Anton R. Akhmerov
SciPost Phys. 18, 098 (2025)
Am Mittwoch, 19. März 2025, kann es aufgrund wichtiger Wartungsarbeiten auf open-access.network sowie den zugehörigen Seiten der Open-Access-Tage und OJS-de.net ab 7 Uhr zu kurzeitigen Störungen kommen.
Vielen Dank für euer Verständnis.
Es gibt einen neuen, DFG-finanzierten #Preprint-Server für die #Sozialwissenschaften mit #OpenPeerReview
Wer platziert den ersten Beitrag?
New #openaccess publication #SciPost #Physics
Symmetry fractionalization, mixed-anomalies and dualities in quantum spin models with generalized symmetries
Heidar Moradi, Ömer M. Aksoy, Jens H. Bardarson, Apoorv Tiwari
SciPost Phys. 18, 097 (2025)