הוא שרת אחד משרתי מסטודון עצמאיים רבים שדרגם תוכלו להשתתף בפדיוורס (רשת חברתית מבוזרת)., a Mastodon instance (He | En mostly) רשת מסטודון עברית | חופשית משיקולים תאגידיים | פדרטיבית עם הFediverse

סטטיסטיקות שרת:

משתמשים פעילים


24 הודעות23 משתתפיםותהודעה אחת היום

Hey #MathEducation people,
I remember some time ago reading how optimal outcomes for understanding and conceptual learning in mathematics happened when the students were in control of the pacing of the learning, but the teacher still chose and sequenced the content.

Now I need to find this research again because a bunch of parents are giving my fellow teacher grief for “Not finishing the textbook” in yr 7 mathematics!

Can anyone help me find this? (Boosts welcome)
#teaching #mathematics #MathsEducation

תגובה לשרשור

@aram Sputnik. A generation before me. Blind panic from top to bottom, opening a short window during which the broad society, and relevant institutions, were willing to make sacrifices to commit resources to science education.

Primary result: total failure.

Secondary result: every five or ten years, another comprehensive report appears that details the previous cycle's failures, and makes recommendations that are invariably ignored in the next cycle.

I have been approach by an editor of #JOSS ( who told me about #JOSE ( - for which I could not find a Mastodon handle).

The idea is to provide a low-hurdle academic reward to provide open access educational material -- with a particular computational emphasis.

Thing is, that you hardly get an academic “paper” if you develop teaching material. So, this might be appealing for some folk here. 😉

Chris( @stoneymonster ) and Elecia( @logicalelegance ) are joined by Prof. Shimon Schocken to discuss teaching computer science from NAND logic gates to arithmetic units, compilers and operating systems.

The transcript for the show is available now at

Feel free to share your favorite quotes from the show!
#professor #teaching #author #software #hardware #engineering #embedded

Embedded496: Beauty, Elegance, Consistency — EmbeddedTranscript from 496: Beauty, Elegance, Consistency with Shimon Schocken, Christopher White, and Elecia White.

Sad – though not surprised – to see what was anticipated almost a decade ago is now the norm in some places.

According to the University and College Union, nearly two-thirds of essential tutorial teaching at Oxford is carried out by academics employed on precarious short-term contracts or paid by the hour in a manner akin to Uber-style gig economy work.

“They compared our work to bedroom fitters, security guards and cleaners, and I kept thinking: ‘Yes, and all those people have no chance of fighting the gig economy, but we do.’”

Manifold @uminnpressThe Uberfication of the University | Manifold @uminnpress_The Uberfication of the University_ analyzes the emergence of the sharing economy and the companies behind it: LinkedIn, Uber, and Airbnb. The book considers the contemporary university, itself subject to such entrepreneurial practices, as one polemical site for the affirmative disruption of this model.

I've had one student come to me in a panic attack and another collapse in my arms sobbing because her cousin died by his own hand. This is the day after I led a school-wide workshop on Crisis Prevention and Intervention. Glad I tend to practice what I preach! #teaching

The Alliance for Decision Education runs a student forecasting tournament where students compete by predicting real world outcomes like box office numbers, TSA travel data, sports outcomes, and more. It's great fun, a great learning experience, and about as real-world as it gets! We had a group participating at school and I'm proud that we placed five students in the top ten nationwide! There's another tournament this spring, and it's open to anyone between 13-19.


Hi, I am Stéphane!

I'm a researcher in epidemiology and a medical doctor. My research areas include #AirPollution health effect, epidemiology and hopefully more on climate change in the coming years.

Occasionally talking about #FOSS, #RStats, #BigData, #PublicHealth and #teaching

Working at the University of Copenhagen.

Cycling in my free time.

This is a new introduction post after migrating from another mastodon instance (