הוא שרת אחד משרתי מסטודון עצמאיים רבים שדרגם תוכלו להשתתף בפדיוורס (רשת חברתית מבוזרת)., a Mastodon instance (He | En mostly) רשת מסטודון עברית | חופשית משיקולים תאגידיים | פדרטיבית עם הFediverse

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משתמשים פעילים


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Can we all just take a moment to appreciate the stability of Notepad++? I installed it on my new PC (for work) today, and it looks IDENTICAL to how it looked when I started using it in gradschool, back in 2011 or so.

I even put a user-defined Praat syntax colouring on it, last updated in 2014, and it still fucking works.

Software people, this is what we want!

Our new #OpenAccess paper is out in Scientific Reports today! My coauthors and I jokingly called it "the masterpiece" because it wraps up a research line I began during my PhD... 10 years ago! Here's a quick thread on the backstory and what we found: @psycholinguistic @psycholinguistic #psycholinguistics #psycholinguistique #phonetic #phonetics #NewPaper #NewArticle #ScienceMastodon

Our new #OpenScience paper is out in Scientific Reports today! My coauthors and I jokingly called it "the masterpiece" because it wraps up a research line I began during my PhD ... 10 years ago! Here's a quick thread on the backstory and what we found. [1/X] @psycholinguistics @psycholinguistic #psycholinguistics #psycholinguistique #phonetic #phonetics #NewPaper #NewArticle #ScienceMastodon

NatureMapping the spectrotemporal regions influencing perception of French stop consonants in noise - Scientific ReportsUnderstanding how speech sounds are decoded into linguistic units has been a central research challenge over the last century. This study follows a reverse-correlation approach to reveal the acoustic cues listeners use to categorize French stop consonants in noise. Compared to previous methods, this approach ensures an unprecedented level of detail with only minimal theoretical assumptions. Thirty-two participants performed a speech-in-noise discrimination task based on natural /aCa/ utterances, with C = /b/, /d/, /g/, /p/, /t/, or /k/. The trial-by-trial analysis of their confusions enabled us to map the spectrotemporal information they relied on for their decisions. In place-of-articulation contrasts, the results confirmed the critical role of formant consonant-vowel transitions, used by all participants, and, to a lesser extent, vowel-consonant transitions and high-frequency release bursts. Similarly, for voicing contrasts, we validated the prominent role of the voicing bar cue, with some participants also using formant transitions and burst cues. This approach revealed that most listeners use a combination of several cues for each task, with significant variability within the participant group. These insights shed new light on decades-old debates regarding the relative importance of cues for phoneme perception and suggest that research on acoustic cues should not overlook individual variability in speech perception.

📢New Publication Alert!

📚 Explore the linguistic treasure trove of #Jibbali/#Śḥərɛ́t. Giuliano Castagna delves into this endangered language, preserving its rich #proverbs and #idioms for future generations.

This book explores the rich paremiological heritage of #Jibbali/#Śḥərɛ̄́t, an endangered pre-literate language belonging to the Modern #SouthArabian sub-branch of #Semitic, spoken by an ever-decreasing number of people in the #Dhofar governorate of the Sultanate of Oman.

Reflecting the historical value of #proverbs and #idiomatic expression within the documentation of a language, Giuliano Castagna analyses a sizeable share of #Jibbali/#Śḥərɛ̄́t #proverbs, sayings and idioms from #Arabic-language publications, as well as hitherto unpublished expressions that reveal undocumented features in the domains of #lexicon, #phonetics, #phonology and #morphology.

🔗Access or get your hard copy at

#introduction HI I am Randolph, I am a #neurodivergent #furry with #autism with a special place in my heart for #hymns, #anthems (mainly #nationalanthems and #historicalanthems), authoritarian states' #propaganda and #propagandasongs, any #politicalmusic and sometimes #folkmusic or normal music in languages like #russian or #kyrgyz or #turkish. Quite interested in the #RussiaUkraineWar and #specialmilitaryoperation propaganda too.
#sovietsocialistrepublics and #ssranthems are awesome (in fact WW2 and Cold War period are my favorite), I like #geopolitics, #vexillology, #mapping.

My normaler interests include #linguistics, alongside English I speak #italianlanguage and #sicilianlanguage (interested in its preservation too), #lettering and #alphabets and #writingsystems, particularly the #Cyrillic and #greekscript. Knows #csharp. And is a #phonetics and #internationalphoneticalphabet nerd. I really like #hyenas, #foxes, #seals, and #otters. And that's about enough.

Audio Etymologies of the Day

How do we "know" (infer) the pronunciation of words in Proto-Indo-European? My next web page about this question, for the phonetics and philology nerds, focusses on the places of articulation of stops, and the nasals:

Always glad to receive corrections, requests for clarification etc.


I have developed a Phonetic System for Pronunciation (PSP) that translates Hebrew words into English letters, allowing you to easily and quickly pronounce any word like a native speaker.

I use it in my conversational course, Practically Speaking Hebrew, and in my best-selling Hebrew 1 2 3 books teaching you how to read and write.

Once you start using the PSP, your entire learning experience will become so much easier, simpler, and your Hebrew will become local.

If you're not in my course, and want to use the PSP, head on over to my YouTube channel, Hebrew by Inbal, and check out the PSP playlist.

Watch the 3 tutorials you will find in the playlist. They'll guide you step-by-step through my phonetic system.
Take the quiz now and see how well you’ve mastered "Masada". And if you stumble, no worries - just revisit the video I posted this week, and keep practicing.

You’re on the path to speaking Hebrew like a local!

Exploring the mysterious alphabet of sperm whales

Contextual and combinatorial structure in #SpermWhale vocalisations

"the research shows that sperm #whales codas (short bursts of clicks) vary significantly in structure depending on the conversational context, revealing a communication system far more intricate than previously understood... akin to human #phonetics"