GO Train Ambassador (on-board conductor): "... and if you're going to ComicCon, a reminder to keep your realistic props in a bag until you get to the event"
Who's swinging a sword on public transit? Stahp. You're scaring the normies.
GO Train Ambassador (on-board conductor): "... and if you're going to ComicCon, a reminder to keep your realistic props in a bag until you get to the event"
Who's swinging a sword on public transit? Stahp. You're scaring the normies.
What's the difference between being interested in something, and being a die-hard fan? According to Michael Elliott, a professor of sociology at Towson University, the latter have a level of devotion that is almost religious — and in some cases, fandom can even provide a moral code. "Many fans describe comic-con culture as a source of principles — such as inclusivity, compassion and self-development — that guide their behavior," writes Elliott for @TheConversationUS.
Nächstes Wochenende steigt wieder die Stuttgarter #ComicCon. Falls ihr hingeht, besucht mich gern in Halle 8 Stand 8C59 für ein Schwätzchen. Oute dich als Fediverse-Menschlein für eine kostenlose Postkarte! :)
Die hier gezeigten Drucke gibts bei Interesse übrigens auch via Versand innerhalb Dtl.
Die Zeit rast! In gut zwei Wochen geht’s schon auf die #comiccon in #Stuttgart (30.11.-1.12.) und die #germanfilmandcomiccon in #Dortmund (7.-8.12).
Ok I'll post a photo of my costume for comic con tomorrow morning and see if you all can guess which anime and character.
Though I'm not sure how many anime fans are on mastadon...
I'm looking to commission someone with the sewing abilities to make me a custom table cloth for conventions.
Very simple colour, maybe a nice lining, and then the hard bit is having my name along the front of the table and maybe a little doodle of me??
Any recs or reposts are appreciated.
New from Solzy at the Movies: Larry Thomas talks Seinfeld, The Soup Nazi, and Improv
#LarryThomas #Seinfeld #TV #Jewish #comedy #comiccon
Kamala Harris keeps hitting it out of the park.
Such enthusiasm! So happy
Kamala Harris Makes Surprise Comic-Con Video Appearance During ‘The Simpsons’ Panel
“#KamalaHarris has made one of her first campaign stops in the town of Springfield.
The Vice President of the United States surprised The #Simpsons fans with a pre-recorded video message on Saturday during the long-running Fox animated show’s San Diego #ComicCon panel, after creator #MattGroening introduced the “superfan.”
So. I will be at MCM in London this weekend. Table j-20 in artists alley. With prints, comics, fregs, and a whole new collection of lil dragon guys for you to enjoy.
If you’re at the show come over and say hi. If you’re not… I hope you have a delightful weekend please get lots of sleep on my behalf? Thanks. #mcmexpo #comics #comiccon