הוא שרת אחד משרתי מסטודון עצמאיים רבים שדרגם תוכלו להשתתף בפדיוורס (רשת חברתית מבוזרת)., a Mastodon instance (He | En mostly) רשת מסטודון עברית | חופשית משיקולים תאגידיים | פדרטיבית עם הFediverse

סטטיסטיקות שרת:

משתמשים פעילים


16 הודעות13 משתתפיםות0 הודעות היום

Mask bans already exist in certain States and counties.

Vance spearheaded a federal ban on mask mandates.

Organizing to codify the right to wear medical masks and respirators is (sadly) needed.

Masking is community care and resistance.

Illinois attempting to codify right to mask into law:

pmefa.orgHB3853: The Protective Medical Equipment Freedom ActThe website of the Protective Medical Equipment Freedom Act, a landmark Illinois bill which establishes the right to wear masks and other protective equipment.
תגובה לשרשור


to those who asked me about this pinned post,

use this thread as an explanation to the very serious joke.

when #fascism happens to BPIOC it’s called #racism; but that racism is sometimes #sexism, #misogyny, #homophobia, #transphobia, #xenophobia, #antisemitism, #ableism, #eugenics ―and when against entire nations, #colonialism & #genocide.

so whatever you let the ruling classes get away with racism will come back to haunt you as fascism.

get it now?

The Trump regime deported a kidney transplant specialist and professor at Brown University, despite the fact that she had a valid visa.

Transplant specialists are one of the most in demand and difficult specialty. They can’t be easily replaced.

The cruelty is the point.

Perhaps most alarming is the fact that a court order was issued to prevent her deportation, and she was deported anyway.

Trump and his cronies are actively defying court orders. They’re acting outside the law.

The billionaire oligarch who bought the Presidency spends his days on X calling for the arrest and removal of judges who try and block Trump from doing whatever he wants.

This is fascism. The courts are a necessary part of the checks and balances that keep a democracy functioning.

The US is rapidly running out of time to save their democracy.

Stand up. Speak out. Protest. Divest from businesses run by Trump and Musk. Vote with your dollar. Resist in whatever way you can.

Do not go gently.

The Brown University campus in Providence, R.I.
The New York Times · Brown University Professor and Doctor Is Deported to Lebanon Despite a Judge’s Orderמאת Dana Goldstein

This #LongCovidAwarenessDay I’m reflecting on how many people have been let down by governments, public health & medical establishments

How Covid has been downplayed, airborne spread ignored & vaxx and relax strategies pushed for the sake of capitalism

How many have Long Covid because of this?

Those of us who were disabled before the pandemic could see this wave of chronic illness coming - and many of us have been screaming from the top of our lungs the last 5 years.

Begging people not to take their health for granted & to wear a mask and protect themselves.

Warning them that there are no do-overs once you become chronically ill. Unfortunately very few people are listening - and many won’t understand the true devastation of #LongCovid until it directly impacts them. At which point it’ll be too late.

Despite seeing these waves of disability as an inevitable consequence of “let er rip” Covid strategy - one thing I did not see coming was how many people would willingly embrace not only ableism - but full on eugenics.

People in my own life who were previously kind & supportive have become cruel and angry. The masks have been ripped off. They don’t hesitate to tell me that they blame me for the restrictions placed on them in the early days of Covid.

That they will never again allow their freedoms to be infringed on in the name of protecting the vulnerable. One even went as far as to say “you’ve been sick for years - just die already.”

People who say these things don’t understand what disabled ppl understand all too well - your health is not a permanent state.

Everyone will become disabled eventually - some earlier than others. Many who think they’re invulnerable are already vulnerable and don’t even know it

Yet rather than adapting behaviour and pushing for a new normal that makes the world safe for everyone - most temporarily abled people have instead doubled down on hateful eugenics talking points and want us to stay home forever (or worse - die). It needs to stop.

Covid is airborne and we all share the air. “You do you” individualism is quite literally killing people. We need to start caring about the air we share as this will lead to a healthier society for everyone.

Until then we need to mask up. It’s easy, incredibly effective & it might save someone’s life. At the very least you will know you didn’t contribute to another person’s suffering - and you will be drastically reducing your own odds of getting Long Covid. It’s worth it.

The Disabled Ginger · I Don't Know Anyone With Long Covidמאת Broadwaybabyto

here's a poll as research for my "isms of #nudism / #naturism" video idea that will highlight the barriers that so many face against participating in nonsexual public nudity, like #ableism #racism #transphobia #sexism anti #tattoo or #bodyModification , economic instability/being poor, and so on. Boosts appreciated!

Please only answer if you identify as a nudist, naturist, or otherwise nonsexual public nudity supporter. Feel free to reply with custom answers as well!

Are you...

Ask yourselves why words originated to describe disabled people are the words you use to describe fascists?

Fascist who make disabled people among the first they target & kill?

Seriously think about what it means that you'd rather use ableist slurs - that calling a fascist a fascist isn't insulting enough in itself? That calling them disabled is actually considered a *greater* insult than calling them a fascist?

It takes work to change, but the work starts with this Q.

The world needs more disabled journalists and writers.

We bring a unique perspective that is needed during these increasingly tumultuous times.

Heartbroken to see a disabled student lose their funding for accommodations because the school deemed them “too disabled” to have a feasible career in journalism.

This is systemic ableism. People think they can tell us what we can or can’t do.

He was described as an excellent writer, and he deserved the chance to get his degree and fulfill his dream.

It’s also a perfect example of the catch 22 many disabled people find themselves in. Often denied or judged for needing benefits and told to “get a job!”, while subsequently being told that we’re too disabled to merit giving a job.

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Dickinson Press · North Dakota Supreme Court rules against DSU student's claimמאת James B. Miller, Jr.

I'm trying to develop the habit of checking Peertube more often. Found this.

"This is a presentation of the paper "Only the Old and Sick Will Die" -- Reproducing Eugenic Visuality in COVID-19 Data Visualization, published in the proceedings of IEEE Tech and Society 2022."
#Eugenics #Dataviz #COVID #Ableism

Disabled women are more likely to experience abuse than their non disabled peers.

We’re often trapped with caregivers who treat us badly & lack the financial support to leave. We may also be physically dependent on the abuser for basic activities of daily living.

Many disability benefits are cut if you marry or cohabitate, which further enforces dependency.

For International Women’s Day help us fight for a universal basic income, better social and medical support and access so that we may regain as much autonomy as possible.

“I don’t know anyone with Long Covid!”

I promise you that you do.

Long Covid is an invisible illness. You won’t know someone is impacted unless they choose to tell you.

Many folks hide their disabilities because the world is NOT kind to disabled people. Be an ally. Be someone we can confide in.

Also, allow for the possibility that the person with Long Covid could be you.

We’ve done a terrible job educating people on what long COVID is & how it presents. Denial runs deep. people have it & either don’t know it or are writing it off as aging, menopause, stress etc.

My next article will focus on Long Covid awareness, politicization and denial.
#longcovid #covidisairborne #covidisnotover #disability #ableism #chronicillness

Prior to Covid it was normal to mask in the NICU. People understood that premature babies are as vulnerable as they come and need to protected.

Now? Gowns & gloves but no masking.

The damage caused by anti mask rhetoric will be felt for years (possibly decades) to come.

Mask mandates belong in healthcare. We should be providing free respirators at the door & cleaning and ventilating the air.

If you’re a healthcare worker who doesn’t think you need to mask, please read my plea on behalf of vulnerable patients:

We know masks in healthcare stop the spread of airborne disease. We know they reduce the risk of hospital acquired COVID (which has a 10% mortality rate).

We know respirators work even better.

So why aren’t we masking? Why are patients having to bear the brunt of infection control?

The Disabled Ginger · A Plea to Maskless Healthcare Workers from Vulnerable Patientsמאת Broadwaybabyto

Gonna say another #unpopularopinion : #racism / #ableism / #misogyny / #anti-LGBTQIA+ hate on the #fediverse are serious problem (as they are everywhere, though that is no excuse). However, screaming "prejudice by [marginalized group] against [less marginalized or dominant group] doesn't exist!" isn't going to help.

#Prejudice, #discrimination, and #stereotypes can (and do) happen based on our brains, our experiences, & our social structures.


There’s so much going on in the world that we can’t control.

The Covid pandemic gave way to rising fascism, just like the pandemics that have come before.

People are scared. Many lost loved ones. Society changed overnight. The loss of control that many felt allowed bad actors to rise up and capitalize on people’s fear.

No matter what our governments say or do, Covid isn’t over. It’s still killing and disabling people.

What’s worse, the pro infection crowd has become so loud and emboldened that vaccine uptake is down, masks are vilified and we’re seeing a resurgence of diseases like measles and tuberculosis.

Despite all the infectious disease threats out there, we still don’t have mandatory masks in healthcare.

The one place people absolutely can’t avoid, the place they should have a reasonable expectation of safety, has become one of the least safe public spaces.

Patients are being infected trying to access basic healthcare, because staff refuse to mask. Refuse to test. Refuse to isolate.

It’s eugenics, and we need people to realize it before it’s too late.

We need mandatory masks in healthcare. We must protect patients AND staff. We must protect even the ones who refuse to protect themselves.

The Disabled Ginger · We Need Mandatory Masking in Healthcare, and We Need it Nowמאת The Disabled Ginger