הוא שרת אחד משרתי מסטודון עצמאיים רבים שדרגם תוכלו להשתתף בפדיוורס (רשת חברתית מבוזרת)., a Mastodon instance (He | En mostly) רשת מסטודון עברית | חופשית משיקולים תאגידיים | פדרטיבית עם הFediverse

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משתמשים פעילים


89 הודעות66 משתתפיםות5 הודעות היום

This #LongCovidAwarenessDay I’m reflecting on how many people have been let down by governments, public health & medical establishments

How Covid has been downplayed, airborne spread ignored & vaxx and relax strategies pushed for the sake of capitalism

How many have Long Covid because of this?

Those of us who were disabled before the pandemic could see this wave of chronic illness coming - and many of us have been screaming from the top of our lungs the last 5 years.

Begging people not to take their health for granted & to wear a mask and protect themselves.

Warning them that there are no do-overs once you become chronically ill. Unfortunately very few people are listening - and many won’t understand the true devastation of #LongCovid until it directly impacts them. At which point it’ll be too late.

Despite seeing these waves of disability as an inevitable consequence of “let er rip” Covid strategy - one thing I did not see coming was how many people would willingly embrace not only ableism - but full on eugenics.

People in my own life who were previously kind & supportive have become cruel and angry. The masks have been ripped off. They don’t hesitate to tell me that they blame me for the restrictions placed on them in the early days of Covid.

That they will never again allow their freedoms to be infringed on in the name of protecting the vulnerable. One even went as far as to say “you’ve been sick for years - just die already.”

People who say these things don’t understand what disabled ppl understand all too well - your health is not a permanent state.

Everyone will become disabled eventually - some earlier than others. Many who think they’re invulnerable are already vulnerable and don’t even know it

Yet rather than adapting behaviour and pushing for a new normal that makes the world safe for everyone - most temporarily abled people have instead doubled down on hateful eugenics talking points and want us to stay home forever (or worse - die). It needs to stop.

Covid is airborne and we all share the air. “You do you” individualism is quite literally killing people. We need to start caring about the air we share as this will lead to a healthier society for everyone.

Until then we need to mask up. It’s easy, incredibly effective & it might save someone’s life. At the very least you will know you didn’t contribute to another person’s suffering - and you will be drastically reducing your own odds of getting Long Covid. It’s worth it.

The Disabled Ginger · I Don't Know Anyone With Long Covidמאת Broadwaybabyto

It’s International Long Covid Awareness Day, and my latest article looks at the reasons why people believe they don’t know anyone with Long Covid.

We desperately need increased visibility into this debilitating chronic illness so that we can raise awareness and fund treatments, mitigations and cures.

Anyone can get Long Covid. It’s not limited to ‘only the vulnerable’ or those who had a severe initial infection.

This disease does not discriminate. Even people with asymptomatic initial infections have found themselves disabled by Long Covid.

It’s time we start processing the trauma of the pandemic and stop living in denial.

We are in the middle of a mass disabling event, and the longer it takes us to admit that, the more people will be harmed.

Let’s spread the word that the only way to avoid Long Covid is to avoid getting Covid in the first place.

Wear a mask. Stay home when sick. Clean and ventilate the air.

When we all agree to care about the air we share, we can begin to bring about real change.

The Disabled Ginger · I Don't Know Anyone With Long Covidמאת Broadwaybabyto
שרשור מתמשך

Second time #CDC has reported estimates for more than two regions at a time since October.

To be clear, national data used for chart above are modeled on regional data collection.

LP.8.1 now estimated at majority in Great Lakes, nearing majority in NY/NJ and Mid-Atlantic.

XEC (incl. XEC.4) still around a quarter share in all three regions.

[For color key, see:]

#ThisIsOurPolio #Covid #Covid19 #SARS2 #variants #CovidIsNotOver #CovidIsAirborne #WearAMask #BetterMasks

שרשור מתמשך

A FLuQE wavelet opened September, cresting as KP.3.1.1 / MC wave into November. FDA's second-guess vaccine target, KP.2, dropped out in December. Updated #CDC estimates indicate we've been in a JN.1.11 soup pretty much since then.

No new variants broken out by CDC, as KP.1.1.3 / LP descendant LP.8.1 approaches majority.

No recent GISAID data—as Raj's dashboard hasn't updated in near a month.

#ThisIsOurPolio #Covid #Covid19 #SARS2 #variants #CovidIsNotOver #CovidIsAirborne #dataviz #datavis

NCHS estimates of #LongCovid—based on Household Pulse Survey.

HTOPS has yet to publish data, despite having avowedly collected data Oct & Dec:

Hospital capacity data was ended under prior administration. Only Federal Reserve disability data continues to update.

#ThisIsOurPolio #CountLongCovid #CovidIsNotOver #MassDisablingEvent

[This is first toot of periodically refreshed thread, providing various dataviz of ongoing #pandemic.]

Last period:

🔗 Recurrent waning of anti-SARS-CoV-2 neutralizing antibodies despite multiple antigen encounters (preprint)

Neutralizing antibody levels wane after an initial peak in all groups of vaccinated individuals with half-life ranging from 29 to 60 days.

Booster immunization by either vaccines or breakthrough infections did not modify peak, plateau or decay rate values.

waning of SARS-CoV-2 neutralizing antibody responses was recurrent even after several antigen encounters. Repeated immunizations would be required to maintain high levels of neutralizing antibodies

www.researchsquare.comRecurrent waning of anti-SARS-CoV-2 neutralizing antibodies despite multiple antigen encountersBackground: SARS-CoV-2 neutralizing antibodies may protect against symptomatic infection in immunized individuals. However, vaccine-induced antibody levels wane over time, reducing vaccine efficacy. The definition of the waning kinetics of neutralizing SARS-CoV-2 responses and...

Here's the 20" #CorsiRosenthalBox I'm working on. Fans in rectangular housings basically don't exist in the UK, so I made a cardboard shim out of the box for this circular one.

This build was a proof of concept (hence the green masking tape rather than duct tape, and the plastic sheeting still on the #MERV13 filter boards). I was testing whether the shim and the boards would support the weight of the fan. Despite being a mock up it's surprisingly rigid!

Next stage involves building it properly (including sealing those gaps at the corners; the 20" fan is actually more like 21.5" across and the boards are 19.5"), then using my anemometer to measure the flow rate of the finished box, so I can work out what size room it can filter. I'm intending this one for a local community centre where a Queer Club meets, to make their meetings safer.

תגובה לשרשור

"SARS-CoV-2 spike RNA- and SARS-CoV-2-related inflammation persist in the epipharynx for more than six months post infection. Although no expression of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein in the epipharynx was evident in these patients with long COVID, genetic analysis revealed activation of [...] the SARS-CoV-2 signalling pathway in epithelial cells, B cells, and pDCs. This aligns with theories that even nonactive viral fragments may possess biological significance. This persistence of inflammation, identified for the first time at the genetic level, highlights the epipharynx as a critical site for continual immune responses in long COVID patients, suggesting that residual viral antigens may contribute to the chronic symptoms experienced"

"After the administration of EAT [epipharyngeal abrasive therapy] once a week for 3 months, the expression of viral RNA disappeared in patients 1 and 2. Patient 3 presented a substantial reduction in viral RNA expression; although complete clearance was not achieved, a marked decrease was observed."

"observed dysregulation of immune and ciliary pathways" - might explain the chronic nonsmoker cough that seems more common now

"These findings suggest that T cells still play a subtle role in the immune dysregulation observed in patients with long COVID. Collectively, these findings indicate that interactions among pDCs, B cells, plasma cells, and T cells contribute to the chronic inflammation and immune dysregulation characteristic of patients with long COVID"

"In the pre-EAT state of long COVID Patient 2, the tissue surface was predominantly covered by ciliated epithelium (Cluster 7). In contrast, following treatment, the ciliated epithelium was no longer observed, and a new cluster of squamous epithelial cells (Cluster 12) emerged"

"EAT effectively eliminates the inflamed ciliated epithelium in patients with long COVID and induces the formation of squamous cells with high barrier function"

thanks @MEActNOW

NatureSpatial transcriptomics of the epipharynx in long COVID identifies SARS-CoV-2 signalling pathways and the therapeutic potential of epipharyngeal abrasive therapy - Scientific ReportsIn this study, the critical role of the epipharynx in managing long-term coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), and in particular, how residual SARS-CoV-2 RNA affects signalling pathways in the epipharynx were investigated via spatial gene expression analysis (Visium HD). Moreover, we hypothesize that epipharyngeal abrasive therapy (EAT) targeting the epipharynx could improve long COVID symptoms by modulating local inflammation and gene expression. We conducted a comparative analysis of the gene expression profiles of three patients with long COVID and two control individuals without COVID-19. Residual SARS-CoV-2 RNA was detected in the epipharynx of patients with long COVID, along with the activation of signalling pathways in epithelial and immune cells. After EAT, the viral RNA was either completely cleared or significantly reduced. T-cell receptor signalling pathways were suppressed; the levels of proinflammatory cytokines, such as interleukin-6 and tumour necrosis factor-α, were reduced; and excessive antibody production was mitigated. Histology showed that EAT effectively eliminated the inflamed, dysfunctional ciliated epithelium. This study clarifies that SARS-CoV-2 has long-term effects on the immune response in the epipharynx, emphasizing the need to focus on chronic epipharyngitis as a potential cause of long COVID. Furthermore, EAT may offer a promising approach to alleviating persistent long COVID symptoms.

You'd think people would want to know if there was a disease that killed more Americans than all our wars combined and is still killing, that causes long-term illness at yearly rates higher than all cancers combined, that all are at risk for, but that all could take actions to prevent. You'd think they want to protect themselves and their families. You'd think that this would be the #1 world priority. It is for me.