הוא שרת אחד משרתי מסטודון עצמאיים רבים שדרגם תוכלו להשתתף בפדיוורס (רשת חברתית מבוזרת)., a Mastodon instance (He | En mostly) רשת מסטודון עברית | חופשית משיקולים תאגידיים | פדרטיבית עם הFediverse

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Forget #autopen: even President Fragile Ego Tinyhands knows that's bullshit. It's a distraction. This administration is:

➡️ Killing children and adults in the 100s of 1000s by terminating #USAID's work with #AIDS patients overseas

➡️ Turning its back on America's allies while cuddling up to #Russia, a throwback #fascist regime with expansionist ambitions and #nuclearweapons

➡️ Abandoning heroes who courageously worked with American troops in #afghanistan leaving them to die at the hands of the #Taliban

➡️ Stranding #refugees who'd already been promised a place in America after deep #security and #medical vetting, even pulling them off of planes as they headed to the US

➡️ Treating #veterans as disposable while destroying the administrative state (about 1/3 of whose employees are vets) that keeps us all safe

(1/) >>>

#Amerika #RedDon #immigration #SIVs #ruleoflaw #fascism #impeach47 #deportElon

(Edited to repair typos)

In which Senator Whitehouse validates what I’ve been saying over and over Sharon since the #budget vote.

We need to dump the purity tests and abandon the reflexive #cancellation of those who disagree with us in good faith. As Senator Whitehouse explains very clearly, that’s exactly what this was: a good-faith disagreement between two groups making their best guess about what the future might hold. If you’re asserting otherwise, the burden’s on you to prove your case.

We’ll never know what would have happened on the path not taken. That’s part of what makes governing so difficult.

#senate #SenateDems
#Schumer #populism #impeach47

(From the butterfly 🦋 site)

Bluesky Social · Senator Sheldon Whitehouse ( voted against the horrible MAGA “continuing resolution” — a fake and partisan CR loaded up with executive power for Trump. I hated it. But respected colleagues voted otherwise, and not just to “cave in” versus “stand up.” 🧵

One day, hopefully soon, we'll get our #vengeance against the reich-wing #fascists destroying our nation from the inside out.

Our vengeance will consist of:
• Restoring the #RuleOfLaw
• Welcoming #refugees, #asylumseekers, and other #immigrants
• Rebuilding #dueprocess and strengthening it against compromise
• Reinstating and strengthening the #separationofpowers
• Investing heavily in #science
• Re-engaging with our #allies and mending broken relationships
• Feeding the hungry, housing the #homeless protecting the vulnerable
• Rehabilitating women's control over their own bodies and #healthcare
• Replacing banned books in libraries and classrooms
• Ensuring those who acted illegally while in positions of power are held accountable for their choices


My friend's daughter-in-law is a nurse practitioner at a VA hospital. She's been instructed to send, every week, an email to Elno listing 5 things she did during the week.

She says that #VA #healthcare workers, who can make more money in the private sector, are quitting in droves.

First Red Don creates an #unemployment crisis for #veterans, who make up a considerable segment of the federal workforce. Now he's creating a healthcare crisis.

Don't forget that he's also screwing #Afghans and others who supported American #military operations as translators and in other roles.

There's only one possible conclusion: President Fragile Ego Tinyhands hates our veterans, our #troops, and all who support them.

Canadian woman #incarcerated entering the country to go to a professional conference, despite holding all the appropriate paperwork.

And she's still there, eleven days later, in horrible conditions this country usually only reserves for the poor, the Black, and the brown.

The only upside here is that the improper #arrest of an attractive young white Canadian woman for imaginary #immigration violations might start to open some people's eyes.

#immigration #detention #Canada #resist #Ω #refugees #asylumseekers #tourists #incarceration #privateprisons #impeach47 #deportElon

[Edit: typos]

vancouversunB.C. woman detained at U.S. border, sent to Arizona detention facility in chainsHer mother says 35-year-old Jasmine Mooney has been detained in inhumane conditions since March 3, and is pleading for help. Read more.

If you're a senior career manager in the #federal #government, and you receive an "order" from Elno cutting your funding or requiring you to fire people, it seems to me that you have two options:

  1. Comply

The upside of compliance is that you may get to keep your job very slightly longer (don't worry, they'll get to you eventually). The downside is you're destroying the very agency you've spent your career building. And (take my word for it) laying off your colleagues is no fun. Also: everybody will hate you.

  1. #Resist

The downside of #resistance is that you'll probably get fired. On the other hand, you'll be able to look yourself in the mirror, and you will have refused to follow an illegal order, as simple ethics and morality demand. Plus you'll have a hell of a wrongful termination suit.

Either way you're eventually out of a job. Why not do the right thing now, when you can make a difference? #Democracy is depending on you.