הוא שרת אחד משרתי מסטודון עצמאיים רבים שדרגם תוכלו להשתתף בפדיוורס (רשת חברתית מבוזרת)., a Mastodon instance (He | En mostly) רשת מסטודון עברית | חופשית משיקולים תאגידיים | פדרטיבית עם הFediverse

סטטיסטיקות שרת:

משתמשים פעילים

Ever wonder why the world looks like it's run by people with zero capability for long-term planning? It's simple. The people in power have lots of power. Power is an addictive substance, more powerful than heroin and much more addictive. A person in power quickly becomes desensitized to it and develops a powerful craving for more.

This always results in the people in power doing whatever it takes to gain more power as quickly as possible, consequences be damned.

@psyBunny Depends on what you mean by "governed". I don't think we need to be told what to do, restricted or coerced at all, but computers can (and should, imo) play a part in assisting decision making, in managing production and distribution of goods etc. (See Project Cybersyn). So they can be a good replacement to the "free" market, not so much a replacement to the police.

@mux2000 we don't need to be told what to do? i wonder how your theory copes with violent people.

@psyBunny Like telling violent people to stop being violent is going to help? 🤣🤣

There is no such thing as violent people. There's people who were left no other options other than to turn to violence to get their basic needs met. Meet their basic needs - hop, no more violence.

@psyBunny You can laugh. Your ideas are just as ridiculous to me as mine are to you. That's not an argument though.

@mux2000 indeed, but mine doesn't singularly try to eradicate all violent emotions and incentives in the world in one go. maybe you haven't met violent ppl in recent times, but they are diverse and only a few of them do it because of lack basic needs.

@psyBunny We can't eradicate violence all at once. My point is that thinking of violence as caused by "violent people" is a cop-out. You absolve yourself of the need to figure out where this violence comes from and what can be done to prevent it.

When you stop accusing people of being violent, and start asking why they're behaving violently, suddenly you see there's a lot that can be done. What I'm saying is we should do those things instead of shrugging and saying there's nothing we can do.

@psyBunny imagine if we did the same thing with disease. Saying some people are just "coughy" or "feverish" and lock them up instead of trying to figure out how disease works and how to prevent it. That's what we're doing now with violence and it's stupid.

@mux2000 you're right about doing those things as a way to reduce violence, but those will not prevent it totally and not immediately. in the meantime until it does, i would like some mechanism to enforce the still existing violent people not to hurt me or take my stuff.

@psyBunny First of all, it's really funny that you're saying that because you're always making fun of me when I say we should do something about the people that are actually hurting us and taking our stuff every single day, but that's beside the point.

Let me ask you a question instead - what is currently, at this moment, stopping these "violent people" from hurting you and taking your stuff?

@psyBunny Oh, do you mean the police? Now it's my turn to crack up. Police don't prevent crime. They punish it (if it affects the ruling class, at least), but they don't prevent it. If you were a business owner, and someone were to rob you, they could find and punish that person, but they wouldn't be able to prevent them from robbing you.

You might think that they help deter "criminals" from doing "crimes", but even that's debatable:

JSTOR DailyDo Police Deter Crime? - JSTOR DailyIs there a connection between larger police forces and lower crime rates?

@mux2000 @psyBunny i'm a social worker and have worked for many years with people who behaved violently in the past. i came to these very same conclusions.