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משתמשים פעילים


979 הודעות488 משתתפיםות54 הודעות היום

Its ironic yet predictable that the zealot Americans who cry "Science!" in the face of any and every trans person - as if science denies their existence (which it doesn't) - have been busy for the past 2 months firing every government scientist they can find.

Fascist conservatives are dogmatists. They don't care about finding out the right or wrong. They already know what that is and are determined to force it upon you.

They fire scientists because discussion contradicts them.

Email Congress: Demand the release of student activist Mahmoud Khalil

"These are the actions of a fascist government, & we must fiercely resist & speak out, & generate overwhelming public outrage & pressure to ensure Mahmoud's release...

"and to demand that elected officials & universities start protecting students from the reach of the Trump regime."

#MahmoudKhalil #JewishVoiceforPeace #USPol #Autocracy #StudentProtests .

JVPEmail Congress: Demand the release of student activist Mahmoud Khalil. - JVPA permanent resident of the United States could face imminent deportation because he stood up for Palestinian rights. We must act now.

Juice Media: "Minority government"

Australia's preferential system enables voters to number their favourite parties in order on their ballot and put autocratic parties last.

If a voter's Number 1 party doesn't win, that vote passes to their 2nd choice. In other words, voters" choices are not "wasted".

"Thanks to our awesome preferential voting system"

#AusPol #USPol #AustralianElection #MultiPartyGovernment #MinorityGovernment #PreferentialVoting .

Interview: Trump’s Attacks on Critics & Press Are Part of the authoritarian playbook

"Trump spoke at the DoJ in an unprecedented speech in which he threatened to take revenge on his political enemies, from the press to the FBI itself"

#Trump #DoJ #USPol #Fascism .

Democracy Now! · Rep. Jamie Raskin: Trump’s Attacks on Critics & Press Are Part of the “Authoritarian Playbook”מאת Democracy Now!
תגובה לשרשור

Well, actually ... It should be American flu 2.
The Mexican flu was a pig flu that originated in a factory farm in North Carolina:

"Scientists working to understand the genetic makeup of the H1N1 virus that causes the disease have linked it to a virus behind a 1998 swine flu outbreak at an industrial hog farm in Sampson County, North Carolina's leading hog producer."

That was 16 years ago. 👇🏼

We dodged a bullet then. It was 'mild' and it stayed 'mild'. My biggest concern is that we won't be so lucky this time with H5N1.
Especially considering who is in charge in the US at the moment.

www.facingsouth.orgSwine flu genes traced to North Carolina factory farm | Facing South 

Interview: Calls Grow for Schumer to step down after he Voted for Trump's Spending Bill

"The Republican bill has been described as a “blank check” for the White House to keep defunding and dismantling government services and agencies".

#Schumer #USPol #Trump #GovernmentSpendingBill .

Democracy Now! · Should Schumer Step Down? Calls Grow for New Dem Leadership After He Voted for Trump Spending Billמאת Democracy Now!
שרשור מתמשך

🧵 …jetzt weiss ich auch nicht, ob nun die KI die U$A abstürzen lässt oder die Welt nun ein KI-Krieg Opfer wird, wie oben erwähnt.

»Künstliche Intelligenz – Trump-Regierung streicht Wertesystem für KIs:
Unter dem Vorwand, ideologische Voreingenommenheit zu reduzieren, werden Regeln gegen Fälschungen und Fehlinformationen durch KI aufgehoben.«

😤 · Künstliche Intelligenz: Trump-Regierung streicht Wertesystem für KIs - Golem.deמאת Mike Faust