Can anyone recommend an alternative to Google Maps on Android? Preferably FOSS but any company that's not actively rolling back diversity, equality and inclusion policies would do.
Can anyone recommend an alternative to Google Maps on Android? Preferably FOSS but any company that's not actively rolling back diversity, equality and inclusion policies would do.
5 reasons why FreeOffice is a great Microsoft Office alternative
I use FreeOffice myself, mostly because it starts up super quickly (ready in under 5 secs) and has an interface that resonates with me.
Yes, LibreOffice is just as powerful and is much better known, but I find it takes nearly 30 secs to start up ...continues
6 reasons why OnlyOffice is a great Microsoft Office alternative
OnlyOffice is a suite that is available as a paid enterprise version for broad deployments, but also works completely for free on desktop and mobile operating systems. It is fully cross-platform, including Linux.
While it’s not exactly the same, ...continues
YOURLS is an open source self-hosted alternative to Bitly or TinyURL
A link shortening service translates any web URL link into a custom, and typically shorter and more manageable link.
A link shortening service is useful for a number of reasons:
A shorter link to share, especially if the target is a long comp ...continues
StoryGraph Is Goodreads for Readers Who Don’t Like Amazon
Like Goodreads, StoryGraph (available for iPhone, Android, and web) is a service for book recommendations and tracking reading habits. The basic idea is you add the books you’ve read, give them ratings, and StoryGraph can use the information to buil ...continues
Looking for a Google Workspace alternative? OnlyOffice DocSpace is ready for the job
Although this linked article mostly focusses on the hosted cloud side (I suppose that is the equivalent of Google Docs) there is actually a very good open source desktop app available called ONLYOFFICE Desktop Editors which installs on Linux, Window ...continues
The #LabPlot team is already hard working on new features. Check out our growing list of the post-v2.11 development news! Come join us!
Boosts appreciated!
LabPlot - A free OriginPro alternative for Researchers (Distribution Plots)
Catalyst Nanomaterials Lab has published another video tutorial that show how to create stunning distribution plots #LabPlot. Go check it out!
LabPlot - A free OriginPro alternative for #Researchers (Scatter Plots)
Catalyst Nanomaterials Lab has published another video tutorial that show how to create stunning scatter plots, analyze correlations, and uncover hidden patterns in your data using #LabPlot. Go check it out!
LabPlot - A free OriginPro alternative for Researchers (Histogram Plotting)
Catalyst Nanomaterials Lab has published another video tutorial that reveals the secrets of creating stunning histograms in #LabPlot. Go check it out!
Bonjour ici :) je cherche une appli cliente pour le #fediverse, au moins #mastodon et #lemmy qui aurait une "boite de réception" / #inbox pour tout les postes et qu'on puisse les archiver ou les cacher.
Mon point frustrant c'est qu'avec le fonctionnement actuel je revois plusieurs fois les mêmes postes alors que je les ais deja lu ou que le sujet ne m'intéresse pas.
Des idées ???
#alternativeTo #tusky #phanpy #jerboa #fediver
#boost apprécié
#TIL about @european_alternatives – they collect #EuropeanAlternatives to #US-based (commercial) #cloud, #hosting and various other online services.
#Degoogle #ungoogle #fuckGAFAM #GDPR #DSGVO #privacy #redecentralize
#WebAnalytics #CloudComputing #CDN #email #VPS #SearchEngine
#DNS #FileHosting
#captcha #payment #IAM #LiveChat #VideoConferencing #collaboration #Mailing #WebFont #DDoS #SSL
LabPlot - A free OriginPro alternative for Researchers (Multiple Peak Fit)
Catalyst Nanomaterials Lab has published another video tutorial that will show you how to fit multiple peaks in your data using #LabPlot. Go check it out!
@godotengine Use @alternativeto to find #FOSS alternatives for your favourite proprietary #software.
Because of the current issue with Bing that affects DuckDuckGo and Qwant, I did a "research" (5 min look into ) and found Searx and Searxng. I'm giving a try to Searxng, so far so good finding issues with Ubuntu 24.04 and Wayland. But I keep thinking that there should be a federated way to search the Internet
#Search #WebSearch #DuckDuckGo #Bing #GoogleSearch #Qwant #AlternativeTo #Alternatives
LocalSend and SnapDrop can be used for universal AirDrop instead of pushing to Apple
Firstly, Airdop only works to other Apple devices, but there is a lot more to the world than just Apple devices! These open source (private and secure despite what Apple claims) apps will do universal file transfer between Apple, Linux, Windows, And ...continues
Thought you might like this software list of mine called My Must-Haves for Windows
Stuff that I have on every computer. These should have been included with Windows. Many of these are #FOSS , too. Most are free or freemium.