הוא שרת אחד משרתי מסטודון עצמאיים רבים שדרגם תוכלו להשתתף בפדיוורס (רשת חברתית מבוזרת)., a Mastodon instance (He | En mostly) רשת מסטודון עברית | חופשית משיקולים תאגידיים | פדרטיבית עם הFediverse

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משתמשים פעילים


45 הודעות29 משתתפיםות0 הודעות היום

There is an open Nazi threat issued today from the European White Jewish Nazi coloniser of Palestine, using his official Nazi office, about the new slaughter that these Jewish Nazi fucks wants to unleash against Palestinians now.

These European White Jewish Nazis in West Asia (who brought brown & black Jewish people, made large % of them Nazis too) are armed to the teeth by White European Nazi regimes & European derived White genocidal Nazi regimes, to unleash the exact crimes Jewish Nazis are unleashing there for generations in Palestine & on the whole of West Asia against those who don't have any comparable defence.

These White Nazi fucks from Europe that colonized, genocided, terrorised whole of black & brown worlds for so long, slaughtered & massacred browns & blacks (in addition to industrial scale looting), yet these motherfuckers have the gall to portray themselves as the victims of browns & blacks, while literally stealing from & massacring browns & blacks at industrial scale — for so long, even today.

At some point of time, people have to ask:

Do you Racist European Nazi fucks have no fucking shame? At long last?

@palestine @lebanon @iran @israel @syria #israel #palestine #gaza #lebanon #iran #syria

Genocidal legalism: Nazi crime coverup bill ft Jewish Nazi regime

The Jewish Nazi regime has a law proposal that criminalizes cooperation with the International Criminal Court (ICC) in Hague. It calls ICC antisemitic, treats it as a literal Terrorist (under Anti-Terrorism Law), treats its funds as proceeds of Money laundering (under Prohibition of Money Laundering law), want to give life imprisonment to anyone giving ICC important evidence against its crimes, and anyone else providing ICC any other assistance to be deserving of 5 year jail term.

Of course, the Nazi regime claims it has a "law-abiding" (true, abiding to Nazi laws) so called "independent & impartial" judiciary, with "no-equal in the world" (everyone agrees, as that Nazi regime is one of a kind in modern world & protecting its Nazi crimes require special Nazi legal "skills"). Of course, it says, its doing all of that to protect — I shit you not — to defend "rule of law", to protect right to "fair trial" …

It follows proud tradition of its genocidal master i.e Empire as its inspiration to threaten members of ICC incl "use of force" & "by any means necessary" i.e murdering/harming/threaten to murder/harm Judges in ICC (or) anyone who aids ICC. It says it took inspiration from its genocidal master & its genocidal collaborator i.e Empire in composing this bill. If someone in Entity commits same crimes what Entity is committing, but not as part of the current ongoing genocide that benefits Entity i.e massacre & steal Palestinian land, well, those crimes are excluded from this Nazi crime coverup bill for mysterious reasons.

This Nazi regime, as a matter of ground reality, already controls whole of Palestine incl Gaza, hence this law (not sure if its already passed or not) will be applicable to Palestinians within Entity, East Jerusalem, West Bank & Gaza. So if a Palestinian cooperates with ICC in the investigation of Jewish Nazi crimes, they can be given 5 year jail term (or) life-sentence depending on the whims of World's Best [Nazi] Judiciary™ they got. They dont even need these farce laws to kidnap, torture, rape & massacre Palestinians, but this law is for future, incase if its not able to kidnap/rape/torture/massacre many Palestinian groups like it can now.

These Nazis have written law to criminalize ICC investigations against its conduct. OG Nazis look like noobs when compared to the degrees to which this modern Nazi regime when it comes to legalism. Nazis at the top in Entity carved out an exception for themselves, to throw lower level Nazis under the bus, if they can get themselves off the hook.

Lets dig into the details.

The title of the proposed law is:

Protection of Israeli Public Officials from the Action of the International Criminal Court in The Hague against the State of Israel.

If anyone cooperates with ICC & delivers any evidence against its crimes, they can be given upto life imprisonment if the evidence is important (so called "classified").

> A person delivering information to the Criminal Court in The Hague in the framework of an action or acting on behalf of or for the Court … shall be liable to five years' imprisonment, unless he has proved that he was not aware that the matter was for the purpose of an action of the Criminal Court in The Hague; for the purpose of this section, "was aware" includes if he suspected this but failed to clarify it; if the information was classified, he is liable to life imprisonment.

If anyone provides a service to ICC for investigation (not providing evidence, but mere services, can be as small as a clerk that aids with typing), that "crime" is deserving of 5 years imprisonment.

> A person who grants a service to the Criminal Court in The Hague … shall be liable to five years' imprisonment …

It treats resources ICC uses to conduct investigation as funds classified under Terrorism law.

> (D) An order issues regarding an asset in accordance with section (C) is regarded as an asset for the purpose of the provisions of section 56 of the Anti-Terrorism Law …

It classifies the funds ICC uses towards investigation as Money Laundering.

> (B) An asset of the Criminal Court in The Hague situated in Israel is considered a prohibited asset for the purpose of the Prohibition of Money Laundering Law …

Gave itself the power to steal resources of ICC & assets of anyone who cooperate with ICC.

> (C) The Minister is entitled, by order, to instruct the temporary seizure of an asset of the Court, or the restriction of use or restriction of transfer of rights thereto …

Evidence of its Nazi crimes, would hide "legally" excluded from being demanded under so called "Freedom of Information" law.

> In order to prevent the circumvention of the limitations according to this law through requests to the authorities under the Freedom of Information Law, 5758-2018, and since in the Freedom of Information Law there is no obligation to state the reason for a person's request, this indirect amendment to the Freedom of Information Law states that information intended for the actions of the Criminal Court in The Hague will not be provided, and that the applicant will be required to declare if the information requested by him is required for the benefit of the actions of the Court.

But the Nazis at the top of the food chain have carved out an exception for themselves i.e If they can be let go off the hook of ICC, they can throw others under the bus. Thats THE ONLY exception to this Nazi crime coverup law.

> There is a single exception to these conditions: Where the authorized entity believes that the delivery of information or the approval of a particular request is required for the protection of a person or for the advancement of Israel's efforts to bring about the cancellation or mitigation of the activity against, the relevant minister in the government may approve its delivery/execution despite possible harm to the state's security or foreign relations. The authorized entity may also approve the delivery of a specific type of information or action.

If anyone is dissatisfied with the coverup in the Nazi regime, it prohibits disgruntled from taking their case to the ICC.

> it is possible that the Criminal Court in The Hague may request the assistance of individuals or organizations in Israel for the purpose of actions against Israel, including through the collection of information about various officials and the collection of testimonies and evidence. This state of affairs, in which Israeli elements work to harm officials, IDF soldiers, and public servants, is extremely problematic, and even has the potential to harm the rule of law in Israel, since parties who are not satisfied with the determinations of the enforcement agencies and the courts will appeal to attack these decisions before the Criminal Court in The Hague. Therefore, this part seeks to establish restrictions on the conduct of individuals before the court.

Prohibits anyone from coming into, provide evidence to, aid in the investigation of its genocidal crimes.

> … a foreign individual acting on behalf of the Criminal Court in The Hague, providing a service to the Criminal Court in The Hague concerning an action or doing anything liable to assist the Criminal Court in The Hague in its action, shall not be granted a visa or permit to be present in Israel in accordance with the Entry to Israel Law …

These pathological lying Nazis say, while they conduct genocide, they are taking such precautions to save the lives of Palestinians, and these precautions go beyond even international law, but they still need to protect themselves from international law.

> … [Nazi regime follows] far stricter approach than is required by law and international practice regarding the laws of war and humanitarian matters …

They need to protect themselves because, ICC is exploiting poor innocent Nazi regime.

> … anti-moral standards of the Court and the cynical and evil exploitation of the legal-moral cloak …

Also because ICC is antisemitic.

> … in order to continue the anti-Semitic tradition of harming Israel and the Jewish people, due to profound hatred, economic-political interests or both together.



@palestine @lebanon @iran @israel @syria #israel #palestine #gaza #lebanon #iran #syria #anarchy #anarchism #law #lawfedi @law

Apparently a Nazi is now a "conscientious objector".

> In Israel, Combat navigator Alon Gur, 43, becomes the first Israel air force officer to refuse service as a conscientious objector.

> "I leapt to service on October 7. Now the interests of the king are overriding those of the kingdom."

What more gaslighting do we need to suffer from Jewish Nazism?

Your fucking Nazi regime is THE problem, not just the king you Nazi fuck.

The problem in 1930s was not just Hitler, but the whole of Nazi regime.

@palestine @lebanon @iran @israel @syria #israel #palestine #gaza #lebanon #iran #syria #anarchy #anarchism

Anti-Imperial Brown & Black interpretation of history

There are many interpretations of history as to what happened. Why we are here. How did we arrive here.

This is one interpretation of broad currents of brown & black world that exists today.

We browns & blacks would have slaughtered each other in our own brutal ways, at the behest of our own brown & black masters, just like how whites slaughtered each other too in the past, at the behest of their masters.

After all that fight, we too would have come to terms with slaughter & created mechanisms by which we dont have to slaughter each other, just like how most of white world did (barring few exceptions).

But the colonial & imperial foreign element, which its military muscle, its economic muscle i.e dollars & euros, has kept our societies in subservient positions, thru economic & military domination (that gives them sufficient resources to dominate us technologically — because if I can have all your resources, I can decide how to allocate those resources to decide how to get more of it at your expense, in the future too, while keeping you in a permanent state of subjugation). All the colonial & imperial forces exists to keep our brown & black world largely a glorified slave market to the white world.

White world, in order to shield themselves from the consequences of their own robbery machines, created NATO (in the military realm) to protect each other from white world exploitation — within limits, relative to the brown & black world, while keeping all former colonized societies divided, terrorized up, ensuring most brutish elements amongst us as our so called "leaders" (or) if thats not feasible, install brutish elements amongst us by overthrowing — thru soft/hard coups, allowing only such rotten societies in our midst, who will terrorise up sufficiently, which allow ruthless exploitation of us by the white world, so we fight with each other over the peanuts slaves are allowed to have aka so called "employment".

There is no good reason for a white person in West to be making so many times more than a black/brown person in the 3rd world, except the fact that we are subservient societies that are fully kept under the thumb of the white world — directly/indirectly, for so many generations.

The argument that not even white people in white world are secure about their own future is no respite for the fact that we have it far worse & the reason for that difference is nothing but the product of the exploitation of brown & black worlds by the white world that control our labour & resources, controlled via Western military/economic terrorism in the form of imperialism & colonialism.

The ruling classes of white world consciously propped up only those segments of our society, esp most reactionaries amongst us — the browns & blacks who are wannabe whites — who want to hang around amongst former colonial & current imperial masters, the collaborators amongst us, the most parasitic amongst us, to rob us collectively at the behest of western world.

This is not to say an avg white person in the street in the white world is thinking about exploiting the brown & black world (they dont & they too are exploited, but not as much as us, because the quality of life of them is definitely orders more better than the quality of life of us in 3rd world when we do apples to apples comparison).

Having said that, they too are as much stuck in this giant thuggish machine West created we call "international world order" that are enforced by gangsters — most important gangsters being Western ruling class gangsters who can decide at anytime which brown/black world needs to be bombed into oblivion & which society needs new "Democracy" (puppet collaborator regimes), and so on, and control in each of our societies is done by the gangster we call "State", which we are too powerless to neutralize (which is the same problem peasants in the white world also face).

This whole worldwide system is one giant exploitation machine that knows nothing but heap misery on everything it touches, but its the most successful form of exploitation, done at such large scale i.e world wide scale, it calls itself Capitalism aka organised robbery (it's always backed by organized thuggery i.e State & its violence).

The Western imperial exploitation machine needs to be brought down & its the enemy of humanity. We also need to bring down our own thuggish regimes aka "States" that enable the Western exploitation machines to function in a more orderly manner & keep us as slaves in the so called "worldwide economy". The globalists do need to be shown the boot & then we need to fight our internal fights as much as we need to fight the economic & state thugs who allow us to be exploited so much & our resources to be stolen, so that the ownership & allocation decisions about our resources are not made by Western white corporate mafia (that works with Brown & Black Corporate, Military, Bureaucratic & State mafia within our societies).

The colonization & slaughter in Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, dictatorships in West Asia, Authoritarian thuggish regimes that call themselves "Democracies" in rest of Asia, South America & Africa, and every other society around, all the direct result of the world wide domination of systems of white world & its ruling class against the brown & black world.

Just getting rid of imperial domination is not good enough, we need to get rid of the brown & black parasites that has installed themselves over all of us using the same illegitimate institutions colonial & imperial Western masters has imposed on us all (directly/indirectly).

In otherwords, we need to get rid of Organised thievery & Organised thuggery i.e We need to get rid of Capitalism & State (and fight fascism too that comes to their aid sooner than later).

We need Anarchy.

@palestine @lebanon @iran @israel @syria #israel #palestine #gaza #lebanon #iran #syria #anarchy #anarchism

Western Imperial Nazi regimes have committed, are & have been committing so many crimes against Brown & Black worlds, with such impunity only because Brown & Black worlds are thoroughly subjugated, that they are confident they won't be get a tiny fraction of blowback from the non-stop terrorism they have engaged in against brown & black woulds.

These Nazi fucks sitting comfortably in their offices, sipping thier Lattes massacring people all around the world, looting the whole world, while lecturing everyone about "civility" has gone on for so long, has become so normalised, speaking about the crimes of these Nazis is seen as "being uncivil".

@palestine @lebanon @iran @israel @syria #israel #palestine #gaza #lebanon #iran #syria #anarchy #anarchism

"Trump is mirroring the actions of the early Adolf Hitler in the mid 1930's Germany,"
- Aure

The Saudi Al-Hadath reports that Iran's “Zagros” reconnaissance (SIGINT) ship, the most advanced spying vessel in Iran's navy was targeted and sunk in the Red Sea by the United States.

This ship was originally designed to counter Israeli threats on IRGC nuclear facilities

The Iranians deny that it ever happened!
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #Israel #gaza #Hamas #iran #Breaking #BreakingNews

The most virulent form of Nazism in modern world is the Jewish Nazism in West Asia, that's aided & abetted by Jewish Nazis in West, as much as it's aided by Western racist & Nazi ruling classes.

No other form of Nazism has degenerated to the degree to which Jewish flavour of Nazism has degenerated in today's world.

The segments of Anti-Nazi Jewish comrades (Anti-Nazi Jewish comrades who are against Jewish Nazism) are far too small segment & far too powerless.

Even amongst these segments, the criticism about Jewish flavour of Nazism is largely muted & always framed from the point of view of antisemitism, largely framed from the point of view of Judaism (trying to define who is a "real Jew" & who is not, which is mere semantics, rather than substance, which is a theoretical fight victims of the Nazi flavour of Jewish don't have to care about), and antisemitism is a fundamentally wrong point of view to look at the problem from esp when we need to look at the Jewish Nazi crimes within West Asia.

If we were in 1930s & 1940s, while OG Nazis were exterminating so many groups, incl Jewish people, we are not going to engage in sophistry of speaking about the WW1 terms imposed on "Germany" to attack Nazis & try to contextualise the crimes of Nazis.

We attack Nazis because of thier Nazi thoughts, words & most importantly Nazi deeds. Same thing with Jewish flavour of Nazism that's bred in West Asia, that's exported to & widespread in Western diaspora, even infected large parts of Western Left.

Antisemitism is a fundamentally wrong frame of reference to be deployed in the context of Jewish Nazi crimes in the context of West Asia, is deliberate tool deployed by Nazis to defend their Nazi crimes.

There is no good reason for not calling out Nazi scum from Jewish community. There is no good reason to not attack them directly. That Nazi segment from Jewish community is not a fringe phenomenon. It's the overwhelmingly mainstream in West Asia. It definately has a significant buy in amongst Western ruling classes & definately has a significant foothold in Western Jewish communities too.

Those who don't call those Nazis are only aiding & abetting the Nazi crimes those Nazis in West Asia have been committing.

@palestine @lebanon @iran @israel @syria #israel #palestine #gaza #lebanon #iran #syria #anarchy #anarchism

LIVE: Trump says US will hold Iran responsible for further Houthi attacks | Israel-Palestine conflict News | Al Jazeera

- Gaza civil defence recovers 57 more bodies from grounds of Al-Shifa hospital
- Israel’s UN ambassador slams report on military’s gender-based violence
- At least 5 Palestinians killed by Israeli drones in Gaza
- Israel’s ‘sadism’ on display with Gaza aid blockade: Hamas

#Palestine #Gaza #Israel #Yemen #Iran

Al Jazeera · LIVE: US keeps up attacks on Yemen; Israel-Hamas talks continueמאת Maziar Motamedi