הוא שרת אחד משרתי מסטודון עצמאיים רבים שדרגם תוכלו להשתתף בפדיוורס (רשת חברתית מבוזרת)., a Mastodon instance (He | En mostly) רשת מסטודון עברית | חופשית משיקולים תאגידיים | פדרטיבית עם הFediverse

סטטיסטיקות שרת:

משתמשים פעילים


30 הודעות25 משתתפיםות0 הודעות היום

I noticed that automated emails from Steam weren't doing alt-text very well. Some image links had no or inadequate alt-text. (Note that Steam don't support opting for plain text rather than HTML emails.)

I'm fortunate enough to depend upon alt-text never-to-rarely. But I prefer not to load remote images, so I still benefit from alt-text.

I filled out a support request to Steam layout out the specific examples I'd found of where they weren't doing very well, and stressing why it's (morally, legally, etc.) important to do better.

And you know what: they quietly fixed it. When I received an email today telling me that something on my wishlist is on sale, it had reasonably-good alt-text throughout. Neat.


I thought I had seen it all when it comes to mail delivery and security issues.

But this morning I was introduced to the fact that there are Exchange admins who will implement a rule that all incoming mail from outside their own organization should be flagged as potentially dangerous and presented to the user with the option to block sender and no option to mark the message or the sender as valid.

Yes, that for every single message.

I’ve let my MS Office expire which means I’m hunting about for a new #email client for my PC. I need one that can handle multiple emails and isn’t run by robber barons. It also needs to work with overwhelmed brains (neurodivergent friendly) Any suggestions?

I’ve downloaded trials for Mailbird and Mailspring so far.

I love my email client because I've set all my emails to Plain text view and haven't looked back since. I also never have to see badly formatted newsletters again! Now, I get emails that say this, which is honestly more than fine by me! I'd rather get this then some badly formatted email.

However, your email software can't display HTML emails. You can view the newsletter by clicking here:


Much cleaner reading experience now!


Er is veel te doen om de nieuwe 'regels' van Firefox.
Nu gebruik ik Thunderbird, wat ook van Mozzila is, voor mijn mail accounts.
Weet iemand of Thunderbird ook de nieuwe regels , zoals die van Firefox, heeft?
Ik heb het nergens kunnen vinden.
Zo ja: wat is een goed vergelijkbaar alternatief voor een desktop pc?
Voor m'n android tablet heb ik K-9 mail, maar die is er niet voor een 'gewone' pc.

#firefox #thunderbird #email #k-9

New post where I list out some of the things I am considering as I am trying to find a replacement for my #email provider. As I am considering leaving #fastmail for a different options that are out there. I am curious if others have thoughts and would be interested in reading my thoughts and reply to my post here on the #fediverse with some thoughts.

hack13.blogBlog - Finding My New Email SolutionAstro description

SideWinder targets the maritime and nuclear sectors with an updated toolset

The SideWinder APT group intensified its activities in the second half of 2024, targeting maritime infrastructures, logistics companies, and nuclear sectors across Asia, the Middle East, and Africa. The group updated its toolset, including improvements to its RTF exploit, JavaScript loader, and Backdoor Loader. SideWinder's infection chain begins with spear-phishing emails containing malicious DOCX files, exploiting CVE-2017-11882 to deliver a multi-stage payload. The group demonstrated agility in evading detection, often updating their tools within hours of being identified. Notable targets included government entities, military installations, and diplomatic missions, with an increased focus on maritime and nuclear-related organizations.

Pulse ID: 67cebdf90f3d662d90cb0701
Pulse Link:
Pulse Author: AlienVault
Created: 2025-03-10 10:24:57

Be advised, this data is unverified and should be considered preliminary. Always do further verification.

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