The audio of the #BrainMachine at is binaural beats which requires it to be stereo.
Isochronic tones ( see ) and replacing the 2-led goggles with a stronger light, can make it possible to share the experience with others without being encumbered by earphones and cables.
It's far from competing with a Lucia N°03 ( ) , but it's a cool hypnotic experience.
#arduino #diy #mind #tweak
Originally, the audio part of my "mono" #BrainMachine was a stereo 3.5" jack that I could connect to an amp of my choice, but come to think of it: no need for the flexibility in amplification of a crude [mono, mind you] boop-boop sound, so I switched to a small #lm386 based amp+speaker circuit.
Isn't it cute?