well… the other day, I bought this new (to me) jar of vegan kimchi at WFM, and it turned out to be *not so tasty*. So, I made Kimchi Paella with lots of sweet vegetables.mmm
*understatement, it was soggy and flavorless
well… the other day, I bought this new (to me) jar of vegan kimchi at WFM, and it turned out to be *not so tasty*. So, I made Kimchi Paella with lots of sweet vegetables.mmm
*understatement, it was soggy and flavorless
"The American Beef Industry Understood Its Climate Impact Decades Ago"
People need to know about the anti-science and pseudoscience promoted by the meat industry, especially the cow meat industry, to hide the non-slaughter horrors of their bloody industry.
Jacquet, a professor of environmental science and policy at the University of Miami, noted that the 2006 UN report represented an inflection point, not only making the public aware of livestock’s climate impact, but putting the industry on notice that it could potentially be targeted for regulation. The report said that livestock’s climate emissions—which come from converting forests to pasture, growing feed, methane-emitting cow burps and manure storage—were about 18 percent of the global total, more even than the transportation sector.
In 1989—the year after NASA’s James Hansen famously told Congress that climate change posed a global threat—the Environmental Protection Agency held a workshop focusing on methane emissions from livestock and, soon after, published a report, “Reducing Methane Emissions from Livestock.” The report said that livestock were a major source of methane and estimated that a 50 percent decrease in global emissions from livestock would yield huge benefits for stabilizing this especially potent greenhouse gas. Tucked into an appendix was the following suggestion: “Reducing methane emissions from ruminants should be pursued as part of an overall investigation into alternatives for reducing future global warming and its impacts.”
Jacquet and her co-authors note that representatives from the meat and dairy industry attended the 1989 EPA workshop, including a member of the National Cattlemen’s Association. Several months and a handful of planning meetings later, the association, which is the country’s biggest beef lobby and now known as the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, or NCBA, developed a “Strategic Plan on the Environment” to counter anticipated public relations problems or regulations related to climate change. The plan included suggestions to reach out to “key influencers” with research and positive messaging about the industry’s environmental benefits.
In a separate study, published this week, Jacquet and another University of Miami researcher, Loredana Loy, trace the meat industry’s efforts to derail advocacy groups’ attempts to persuade the public to eat less meat as a climate strategy. These attempts include the Beyond Beef campaign and others, including Diet for a New America and Meatless Monday.
The study says the livestock industry took a different approach than the oil and gas industry, which tried to convince the public it was only continuing to develop fossil fuels because consumers called for them. The livestock industry, on the other hand, tried to convince consumers that their dietary choices would make no difference.
Es ist Freitag. Klimafreitag. Und heute geht es um das Thema klimafreundlich essen. Denn mit dem Essen auf unserem Teller können wir ganz leicht aktiven #Klimaschutz betreiben.
Jeden Tag haben wir mehrmals die Wahl zwischen Lebensmitteln, die mehr oder weniger Treibhausgase verursachen, mehr oder weniger Ressourcen verbrauchen, gut oder schlecht für die Artenvielfalt sind.
Aber wie können wir und kannst du das entscheiden? Und muss nicht eigentlich die Politik andere Rahmenbedingungen schaffen, damit wir alle – ohne nachzudenken – gesund und nachhaltig leben? Doch! Aber darauf dürfen wir wohl gerade nicht warten. Also tun wir selber, so viel wir können. Machst du mit?
Wie, das liest du im neuen Artikel auf My Friday „Klimafreundlich essen: Auf die größten Hebel kommt es an.“
Wir meinen, dass weniger Fleisch essen der allergrößte Hebel ist, du aber nicht komplett darauf verzichten musst,
wir unnötig viel zu viele Lebensmittel wegwerfen und das einfach ändern können,
du dich nicht im Klein-Klein verlieren solltest und es nichts bringt, wenn nur einzelne „alles“ richtig machen,
wir alle über unseren Handabdruck ganz viel erreichen können, indem wir andere inspirieren, klimafreundlich(er) zu essen.
Siehst du das genauso und womit fängst du an? Mit neuen Gerichten für leckeres Grünzeug oder einem Veggie-Catering auf deiner nächsten Party?
Verrate es uns deine Meinung und Ideen. Wir sind gespannt!
Hier findest du den vollständigen Artikel: https://my-friday.org/hintergruende/die-groessten-ernaehrungshebel-fuers-klima/
Los geht’s!
River Action wins court ruling that #chicken megafarms will have to treat their manure as industrial waste - not only will #factoryfarms in the catchment of the River Wye now face controls of their pollution of soil/rivers, but livestock operations producing manure across the #UK will now need to take responsibility for disposing of their waste in a lawful way.
A huge legal precedent in the fight against #livestock polluting soil and rivers!
Rotini with RedLentil & BlackOlive Tomato Sauce, Broccoli Rabe, a bit of baguette mmm
Making Pambazos for dinner tonight.
Just finished the veg chorizo and the red sauce / salsa de chile colorado.
Now gonna make the potato chorizo hash using some of the last of our potatoes -- they've lasted this long which isn't bad. And we'll plant this year's crop this coming week. Bolillos from yesterday. Some sliced cabbage and cilantro salad. And we're set!
Sweet Dumpling Squash and Pinto Beans served over rice
Sriracha-baked tofu and vegetable stir-fry over rice mmm
One of the simplest steps an individual can take toward a sustainable planet for ourselves and future generations is to switch dairy milk for plant milk.
Soya and oat milk are the most environmentally friendly, with remarkably low impacts compared to cow's milk. (Both when considering resource use and emissions per litre.)
A portion of soya milk uses around 95% less land and freshwater than a portion of cow's milk, and releases 70% fewer emissions.
(Info and image via Ethical Consumer Research Association.)
https://www.ilfattoquotidiano.it/2024/08/10/ecosostenibilita-sulle-diete-plant-based-nessuna-inversione-di-tendenza-anzi/7649760/ #IPCC Un mio articolo sul Blog del #FattoQuotidiano (in quanto sostenitrice del medesimo), sull'#ecosostenibilità della dieta #plantbased rispetto alla dieta onnivora. I #dirittianimali stanno a lato della prossimo futuro disastro ambientale? Ben vengano critiche e commenti. #veganismo
Klasse Aktion!
Streit um #Mehrwertsteuer: Tübinger Gastronom will bis vor das #Bundesverfassungsgericht
"Also, wenn das #Milch ist - das kriegen wir hin", so Lai. Er baute eine zirka 30 Zentimeter hohe rosa Holzkuh. Wie jede andere #Kuh hat sie Euter und Zitzen. Im Inneren der Kuh befindet sich ein Behälter. Dort kippt Lai #Hafermilch hinein. Was dann unten durch die Zitzen herauskommt ist für Lai - laut Definition - #Kuhmilch. Und somit mit sieben Prozent zu besteuern und nicht mit 19%. Glaubt er wirklich an einen juristischen Erfolg? "Das weiß ich nicht genau. Aber ich möchte Aufmerksamkeit und ich möchte, dass die Leute darüber sprechen." In Tübingen ist ihm das schon mal gelungen.
#Milchindustrie #klimakatastrophe #Tierindustrie #Milch #Kühe #Kälber #Ernährung #vegan #plantbased
… before dessert, I had a mushroom potage soup for lunch. I think I had enough ⓥ whipped cream for the rest of the year. lol
Found a fantastic haut cuisine vegan/vegetarian restaurant in Tokyo.
I had this ⓥ melt-in-the-mouth red velvet pancakes — the best pancakes I’ve ever had in my life.
Veganuary Hits 25.8M Global Participants, Strengthens Presence in North & South America, Asia https://vegconomist.com/society/charity-campaigns/veganuary-hits-25-8m-global-participants-strengthens-presence-in-north-south-america-asia/
Consuming More Plant Protein May Aid Healthier Aging In Women
"Dietary protein intake, especially plant protein, in midlife plays an important role in the promotion of healthy aging and in maintaining good health at older ages"
by @GrrlScientist via Substack
#health #PlantBased #women #aging #SciComm https://grrlscientist.substack.com/p/consuming-more-plant-protein-may-719
Consuming More Plant Protein May Aid Healthier Aging In Women
"Dietary protein intake, especially plant protein, in midlife plays an important role in the promotion of healthy aging and in maintaining good health at older ages"
by @grrlscientist via Substack
#health #PlantBased #women #aging #SciComm https://grrlscientist.substack.com/p/consuming-more-plant-protein-may-719
Consuming More Plant Protein May Aid Healthier Aging In Women
"Dietary protein intake, especially plant protein, in midlife plays an important role in the promotion of healthy aging and in maintaining good health at older ages"
by @grrlscientist via Substack
#health #PlantBased #women #aging #SciComm https://grrlscientist.substack.com/p/consuming-more-plant-protein-may-719