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76 הודעות13 משתתפיםות0 הודעות היום
תגובה לשרשור

A DMG style GBP with its box, which was a Japan exclusive (and the atomic purple too). The box is in fairly good shape and the console too, but the front polarizer is slightly burnt, but I have replacements. The serial number from the manual matches the one on the console. I think it’s the most beautiful GBP. #nintendo #gameboy

תגובה לשרשור

A boxed atomic purple GBP. The box has some holes and damage, but the front is mostly ok. It has screen cancer (some pixels from the LCD leaked causing a black blob on the screen), but it came with everything, including matching SN in the manual. #nintendo #gameboy

שרשור מתמשך

Starting with the cheaper things, these two GameBoy Pockets. The atomic purple has an horizontal line on the screen and the black one is terribly dirty and has some corrosion. I could test the black one yet, I’ll clean it up first. Both are for parts. #nintendo #gameboy