Kroatien und Dänemark im Finale der Handball-WM
Finale der Handball-WM in Oslo: Favorit Dänemark könnte zum vierten Mal hintereinander Weltmeister werden. Kroatien wird es Dänen aber nicht einfach machen. Verfolgen Sie das Spiel jetzt im Liveticker.
Kroatien und Dänemark im Finale der Handball-WM
Finale der Handball-WM in Oslo: Favorit Dänemark könnte zum vierten Mal hintereinander Weltmeister werden. Kroatien wird es Dänen aber nicht einfach machen. Verfolgen Sie das Spiel jetzt im Liveticker.
Liebe Chaos-Community, pünktlich zu Congress-Ende & Jahreswechsel hier wieder die einzig wahre Neujahrsansprache für euch!
Alles Liebe & bis bald! Euer cosmic
Our semi-annual blog post is out to recap recent work with #fileformats and #digitalpreservation at the Library of Congress. Highlights incl new format research on #finale music notation formats, participation in #iPres2024 and @anj's Registries of Practice project.
w/ Elizabeth M. Caringola, Genevieve Havemeyer - King, Liz Holdzkom and Marcus Nappier
So, anyone make the switch to Dorico yet?
If you haven't already read it this post on Scoring Notes about the recent Finale announcement has some good info towards the bottom of the article. I'm waiting on the promised post on best practices for preserving scores for the future, but for now this is helpful.
#Finale is bought and extinguished by #Steinberg who sells #dorico.
#musescore is not accepted by major international music publishers, while #Sibelius is subscription only.
Difficult days for #composers
maybe better go back to #handwriting #scores?
Interesting gesture from #Musescore people to try and be more welcoming to #Finale users. I'm a huge fan of Musescore and their improvements in recent years. And it's free .
Calling all white hat #hackers who have music knowledge. #Finale announced it was shutting down. Their files are proprietary and nothing else reads them. Composers are really screwed. This particular Mastodon (@Lichtenbergian ) composer could really use help saving his life’s work.
This is way out of my wheelhouse, but surely someone I know can help?
#Finale. a popular music typesetting program, is calling it quits. Like many folks, I remember starting out with Finale, and to this day the Web is full of PNGs proudly bearing Finale's hallmark layout bugs, misaligned staves, and Procrustean stretched bars. I long ago learned #Lilypond because I wanted nice-looking sheets, and I encourage any Finale folks to try it out; it's free and scales from hobbyist work to managing small- or medium-sized bands.
Knew this day would come (it's in their name ffs). And especially counting the early days (v2.0), I'm sure I've sworn more at this software than any other I've used. Still after 30 years it hits in the feels
OhI never used #Finale, I was on #Musescore and then #Dorico for the last few years. I guess they are winding it down and offering a Dorico discount to try and make it up to their users. I like Dorico, but I'm not sure I'd be thrilled about that.
@andre_meister Das hätte jetzt immer noch zu viel Ärger verursacht! Der nächste Versuch kommt bestimmt zum #EM #Halbfinale oder zum #Finale ...
2024 Business Card Challenge: Tiny MIDI Keyboard - The progress for electronics over the past seven decades or so has always trended ... - #2024businesscardchallenge #musicalhacks #seeedstudio #instrument #keyboard #arduino #finale #samd21 #music #midi
#waswärewenn es die EU nicht mehr gäbe? | Joko & Klaas gegen ProSieben | 15 Minuten #JKlive
Periodic reminder that you should really be watching #Bluey, one of the best TV shows in recent memory. Yes, not best kids' TV show, best TV show period.
Thoughtful, funny, sensitive, deep, 7 minute episodes. Yesterday's #finale delivered so, so much
A couple of months ago, I got to introduce the 1980's #tv series "Newhart" to my husband. I loved the show when it came out but he'd never seen it. (He'd never seen all of the "Bob Newhart Show" either, which we finished watching together before we started "Newhart".)
Last night, we watched the series finale, which I think is The #Best #Comedy #Series #Finale Ever!
And he agreed!!
#Newhart: The Last Newhart - Series Finale (May 21, 1990)